5102.2: Methods of underwriting (07/06/17)

5102.2: Methods of underwriting (07/06/17)

Ā© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

Borrower creditworthiness is established and excessive layering of risk is identified by one of theĀ following methods:

(a) Submitting the Mortgage to Loan Product AdvisorĀ®

In many cases, the most effective way to evaluate Borrower creditworthiness and identifyĀ excessive layering of risk is to submit the Mortgage to Loan Product Advisor. Loan ProductĀ Advisor performs an overall evaluation of the credit risks in the Mortgage file based on theĀ information provided by the Seller and credit repositories and returns a Risk Class of eitherĀ Accept or Caution on the Feedback Certificate.

See Chapter 5101 for additional details regarding Loan Product Advisor Mortgages.

(i) Borrower creditworthiness

A Seller is relieved of the requirements to represent and warrant that the Borrower isĀ creditworthy if the requirements in Section 5101.8 are met.

(ii) Layering of risk

For all Accept Mortgages and A-minus Mortgages, Loan Product Advisor has determinedĀ that the layering of risk is acceptable. The Seller does not have to make thisĀ determination.

For all Caution Mortgages not eligible as A-minus Mortgages, the Seller must manuallyĀ underwrite the Mortgages in accordance with Section 5102.2(b). For such Mortgages,Ā there is a strong indication that the layering of risk is excessive and that acceptability andĀ compliance with Freddie Mac requirements is unlikely.

(b) Manually underwriting the Mortgage

Mortgages for which the Seller evaluates the Mortgage data and makes the finalĀ determination regarding Borrower creditworthiness and excessive layering of risk areĀ referred to as ā€œManually Underwritten Mortgages.ā€ Manually Underwritten Mortgages areĀ the following:

ā–  Mortgages that were never submitted to Loan Product Advisor

ā–  Mortgages that were submitted to Loan Product Advisor and received an evaluationĀ status of invalid, ineligible or incomplete

ā–  Mortgages that were submitted to Loan Product Advisor, received a Risk Class ofĀ Caution and were not eligible as A-minus Mortgages

For Manually Underwritten Mortgages, the Sellerā€™s conclusion that Borrower creditĀ reputation and capacity are acceptable must be based on the documentation included in theĀ Mortgage file and described on Form 1077, Uniform Underwriting and TransmittalĀ Summary, or another document in the Mortgage file.