7101.14: Notices of Transfers of Servicing to third parties (03/02/16)

© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

The Transferor Servicer must obtain the following approvals and provide the following notices, as applicable:

  • Obtain MI approval and commitment to insure as required by Section 7101.4(a)
  • Advise all applicable property insurers including, if applicable, Federal Emergency Management Agency, of the Transfer of Servicing and of the name and address of the Transferee Servicer to modify the mortgage clause required by Section 8202.7
  • Provide the required notices to FHA, RHS and/or VA, if applicable
  • Notify all other appropriate parties including, but not limited to, mortgage life and/or accident and health insurers, tax verification/reporting services, and flood zone hazard determination services, tax authorities, homeowners associations, fee owners for leasehold Mortgages, other lienholders and public utilities levying mandatory assessments for which Escrow is collected