8106.3: IRS Form 1099-A, Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property (11/30/16)

© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

The Servicer must provide Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 1099-A, Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured Property, to the IRS and the Borrower as required under Section 6050J of the Internal Revenue Code. This reporting must be done whenever Freddie Mac or a third party acquires an interest in a property in full or partial satisfaction of Freddie Mac's secured debt or when Freddie Mac or the Servicer knows or has reason to know that a property has been abandoned. For the purposes of filing these reports, the following definitions apply:

  • Freddie Mac acquires an interest in Mortgaged Premises either:
    • On the date of the foreclosure sale or the date the Borrower's right of redemption, if any, expires, whichever occurs later, or
    • At the time a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure is recorded
  • A third party acquires an interest at the time of the foreclosure sale
  • Abandonment has occurred when Freddie Mac or the Servicer has reason to know from all the facts and circumstances concerning the status of the Mortgaged Premises that the Borrower intended to and has permanently discarded the property from use. If a Servicer determines that an abandonment has occurred and expects to commence foreclosure proceedings within three months, the reporting obligation generally arises at the end of the three-month period.

The following events trigger the reporting requirement:

  • Freddie Mac acquisition. (Freddie Mac acquires the Mortgaged Premises at a foreclosure sale or by deed-in-lieu of foreclosure.)
  • Third-party sale. (A third-party acquires the Mortgaged Premises at a foreclosure sale.)
  • HUD, RHS or VA acquisition. (The Mortgaged Premises were acquired by HUD, RHS or the VA.)
  • (The Mortgaged Premises have been abandoned, three months have passed and foreclosure proceedings have not begun.)

A completed IRS Form 1099-A must be filed electronically with the IRS on or before March 31 of the year following the calendar year in which the reportable event occurred. The Servicer must also furnish the Borrower with an information statement on or before January 31 of that year. The requirement for furnishing such statement to the Borrower can be satisfied by sending a completed IRS Form 1099-A to the Borrower's last known address. The form must show Freddie Mac's name and address and include a statement that the information is being reported to the IRS. On the form, the "account number" should include the nine-digit Freddie Mac loan number, followed by one space and the six-digit Seller/Servicer number.

See Section 8106.4 in the event that both IRS Forms 1099-A and 1099-C, Cancellation of Debt, may be filed as the result of a cancellation of debt in connection with a foreclosure or similar action in the same year for the same Borrower.

Instructions for completing IRS Form 1099-A are set forth in Freddie Mac Form 1065, Report of IRS Form 1099-A and Form 1099-C Filing. Servicers must comply with the IRS's and the various States' requirements, as amended from time to time, for filing IRS Form 1099-A. Servicers should consult with either their tax advisors or the IRS concerning questions on such requirements.

The Servicer must file all IRS Forms 1099-A with the IRS electronically.

(a) Electronic reporting Servicers must file their reports with the IRS no later than March 31 of the year following the calendar year in which the reportable event occurred. Even though a Servicer reports to the IRS electronically, the Servicer is still responsible for providing a copy of the IRS Form 1099-A to the Borrower (copy B) and to those States that require it (copy C). Copy B must be furnished to the Borrower on or before January 31 of the year following the reportable event. IRS requirements for filing electronically are set forth in IRS Publication 1220, Specifications for Electronic Filing of Forms 1097, 1098, 1099, 3921, 3922, 5498 and W2-G. A Servicer may obtain this publication by downloading it from the IRS website at www.irs.gov or by calling the IRS at 1-800-TAX-FORM (1-800-829-3676).When filing electronically, the Servicer must:

  • Insert appropriate header information on the electronic report it files with the IRS in accordance with the following record description:

Field Name

Data Description

"A" Record

Payer's TIN


First payer name line

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation

Payer shipping address

8200 Jones Branch Drive

Payer city, State and zip

McLean, VA 22102-3100

"B" Record

Payer's account number

The nine-digit Freddie Mac loan number and the six-digit Seller/Servicer number, separating these two numbers by one space

  • Notify Freddie Mac that the Servicer reported to the IRS electronically:
    • When the report is sent to the IRS, the Servicer must submit Form 1065 to Freddie Mac (see Directory 3)
    • A Servicer should not send Freddie Mac copies of the report that it filed with the IRS

(b) Correcting or voiding previously submitted IRS Forms 1099-ATo correct or void a previously submitted IRS Form 1099-A, the Servicer must refer to IRS requirements to determine how to report either for electronic corrections, or voids. To avoid or minimize penalties that may be imposed by the IRS, the Servicer must report corrections or voids to the IRS when an error is discovered. When corrections or voids are submitted to the IRS, a copy of Form 1065 must be submitted to Freddie Mac (see Directory 3). Form 1065 should indicate the number of corrected or voided IRS Forms 1099-A submitted to the IRS.

(c) Filing accuracy and documentation Servicers are responsible for completing the IRS Form 1099-A and for providing the information to the IRS and to the Borrower in a timely and accurate manner. The Servicer must maintain copies of all statements and reports that Freddie Mac requires the Servicer to provide directly to the Borrowers and the IRS in compliance with Section 6050J of the Internal Revenue Code. The Servicer must make such copies available for examination by Freddie Mac upon request until Freddie Mac agrees, in writing, that such records may be destroyed. If the IRS penalizes Freddie Mac or assesses any fee for failure to produce such information or because a Servicer failed to file a return or statement or filed an untimely, incorrect or incomplete return or statement, the Servicer will be required to reimburse Freddie Mac for all costs incurred by Freddie Mac as a result of such penalty or assessment and an amount representing Freddie Mac's total tax liability resulting from such reimbursement. Such reimbursement will not be required if the Servicer can show that it met the filing requirements.