6301.7: Accuracy and preparation of Mortgage data submitted (03/02/16)

© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

The Seller warrants that the Mortgage data provided are true, complete and accurate. Erroneous data or omissions discovered may result in rejection of the Mortgage(s) involved when discovered before purchase or repurchase of the Mortgage(s) involved when discovered after purchase.

The essential accounting data for each Mortgage must agree with the underlying documents and the Seller's individual mortgagor accounting records.

Freddie Mac purchases Mortgage balances as reflected in the Seller's individual Mortgage accounts. The records or accounts used for Mortgages to be sold to Freddie Mac must be updated within 10 days before delivery of Mortgage documents to Freddie Mac (see Directory 8).

Using the most recent Mortgage trial balance or updated Mortgage records, the Seller must indicate the UPB and provide the remaining information required by Chapter 6302. It should not be assumed that payments due as of or before the date the balances are taken from the detailed Mortgage record have been paid. An installment that was due as of or before the date the balances are taken from the individual Mortgage records, but is unpaid, is considered delinquent. For example, a payment that was due on the first of a month, and is unpaid on the second or thereafter, is delinquent for this purpose.