4603.4: Underwriting requirements for super conforming Mortgages (Future effective date 12/19/18)

© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

(a) Loan Product Advisor® Mortgages
All super conforming Mortgages must be submitted to Loan Product Advisor.The Borrower's credit reputation is acceptable if:
  • The Mortgage receives a Risk Class of Accept, or
  • The Mortgage receives a Risk Class of Caution-eligible for A-minus and if all requirements in Section 5101.9  for A-minus Mortgages are met

If the Mortgage receives a risk evaluation status of invalid, ineligible or incomplete, the Seller must take all steps possible in accordance with Section 5101 to correct the information and resubmit the Mortgage.

Super conforming Mortgages that have never been submitted to Loan Product Advisor are not eligible for delivery.

The Seller must enter the Key Number (which is referred to as the Loan Prospector® AUS Key Number in Loan Selling Advisor®) in the ULDD Data Point Automated Underwriting Case Identifier for all super conforming Mortgage transactions.

(b) Non-Loan Product Advisor Mortgages
Super conforming Mortgages with a Risk Class or Evaluation Status of invalid, ineligible, incomplete or Caution-ineligible for A-minus must be manually underwritten in accordance with Topics 5100 through 5500  and this chapter.Noncredit Payment References are prohibited to establish an acceptable credit reputation for super conforming Mortgages.To be eligible for sale to Freddie Mac, a minimum Indicator Score is required for super conforming Manually Underwritten Mortgages. The minimum Indicator Score requirements for Mortgages sold to Freddie Mac can be found in Exhibit 25, Mortgages with Risk Class and/or Minimum Indicator Score Requirements.