4402.5: Uniform Instruments for Seller-Owned Modified Mortgages (03/02/16)

© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

Documentation for a Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage should consist of all of the following:

(a) Security Instrument

The Security Instrument with all applicable riders. The Security Instrument must be either:

  • The version of the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uniform Security Instrument for the State in which the Mortgaged Premises are located in effect on the Note Date, or
  • A nonstandard document that has been modified to conform to the current Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uniform Security Instrument for the State in which the Mortgaged Premises are located

(b) Note

The promissory note must be either:

  • The original Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uniform Fixed-Rate Note with the loan modification agreement attached, or
  • A new Note; a new Note must be used if the Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage is not a fixed-rate Mortgage. If a new Note is executed, Seller must use the applicable Uniform Instrument Note as required by Section 4101.2 for the modified Mortgage Product.

(c) Loan Modification Agreement

A document evidencing the loan modification. The loan modification agreement must be recorded if necessary to establish that the Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage is a First Lien.The loan modification agreement must contain the following information with respect to the modifications on the Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage:

  • The effective date of the loan modification
  • The current outstanding principal balance on the Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage
  • Whether the interest rate on the Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage is a fixed or adjustable interest rate
  • The yearly interest rate on the Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage
  • Amount of monthly payments on the Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage
  • Date the monthly payments on the Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage begin
  • The maturity date of the Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage

If the original Mortgage is either (i) a fixed-rate Mortgage originated on the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uniform Fixed-Rate Note and after modification will remain a fixed-rate Mortgage, or (ii) a Mortgage that is being modified to a fixed-rate Mortgage using the Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uniform Fixed-Rate Note, the Seller may use the Freddie Mac Multistate Loan Modification to a Fixed Interest Rate, Freddie Mac Uniform Instrument Form 5161 as the loan modification agreement. If Seller uses a different instrument to evidence the loan modification for a fixed-rate Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage, the Seller represents and warrants that the instrument, when completed, contains substantially identical provisions to the Freddie Mac Loan Modification to a Fixed Interest Rate and is appropriate for use to evidence the modification of the Mortgage.

(d) Seller-Owned Modified Mortgages originated as a Construction Conversion or Renovation Mortgage

For a Seller-Owned Modified Mortgage that was originated as a Construction Conversion or Renovation Mortgage, the conversion of Interim Construction Financing to Permanent Financing must have occurred prior to the modification and must have been documented in accordance with Section 4602.3. The modification of the Permanent Financing that occurs after the Effective Date of Permanent Financing must be documented in accordance with this Section 4402.5.