8103.6: Application of payments: Mortgage paid in full (03/02/16)

© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

(a) General Servicer responsibilities The Servicer must determine and accept the amount required to pay a Mortgage in full, including the interest to the payoff date and remit the total proceeds due Freddie Mac. The Servicer is responsible for providing payoff amounts to individual Borrowers or their agents and is liable to Freddie Mac for any errors in the amount of any payoff.The Servicer must take all actions required by law, within statutory time limits, to release the lien and discharge the debt of a Mortgage that has been paid in full (paid off). The Servicer agrees to hold Freddie Mac, its successors and assigns, harmless from and against any and all losses, claims, demands, actions, suits, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorney fees) of every nature and character that may arise or be asserted against or be incurred by Freddie Mac as a result of the Servicer's failure to comply with applicable law.If the Mortgage is evidenced by a Security Instrument, or is insured or guaranteed under a federal program, that prohibits the charging of a release or reconveyance fee upon payoff, the Servicer may not charge such a fee even if permitted to do so under applicable law. This prohibition extends to trustees in deed of trust jurisdictions and applies to "release" fees, "processing" fees, "forwarding" fees, "document preparation" fees and similarly denominated charges. In deed of trust jurisdictions, a Servicer must not knowingly employ or retain a trustee who charges Borrowers for reconveyance services.If permitted to do so under applicable law and the Security Instrument, the Servicer may charge the Borrower for the actual cost of recording the release or reconveyance.The Servicer must request the release of the Note and other documents held by the Document Custodian in accordance with Section 8107.1 for a Mortgage that has been paid in full. The Servicer must comply with any and all statutory requirements and timeframes regarding disposition of the Note, which may require returning the Note to the Borrower following pay off.Payoff proceeds received by the Servicer must be remitted and reported to Freddie Mac in accordance with applicable provisions of Chapters 8303 and 8304.
(b) Prepayment Penalty Mortgages With respect to a Prepayment Penalty Mortgage, the Servicer must collect the amount of the prepayment penalty provided for in and under the conditions specified in the Mortgage loan instruments and:
1. For Prepayment Penalty Mortgages sold to Freddie Mac prior to October 14, 2005, the Servicer must not assess or collect a prepayment penalty if either:
  • The proceeds received for the payoff of the Mortgage are from the sale of the Mortgaged Premises, or
  • The payoff of the Mortgage is received from any source, including insurance proceeds, in connection with the workout of a delinquent Mortgage or due to a default under the terms of Security Instrument
2. For Prepayment Penalty Mortgages sold to Freddie Mac on and after October 14, 2005, the Servicer must not assess or collect a prepayment penalty if either:
  • The proceeds received for the payoff of the Mortgage are from the sale of the Mortgaged Premises and the prepayment period is more than three years or
  • The payoff of the Mortgage is received from any source, including insurance proceeds, in connection with the workout of a delinquent Mortgage or due to a default under the terms of the Security Instrument
(c) FHA/VA and Section 502 GRH Mortgages For FHA/VA and Section 502 GRH Mortgages, any notice of prepayment or entitlement to interest past the date of payment-in-full must be waived by the Servicer on behalf of Freddie Mac. Escrow balances may be either credited to the mortgagor or returned separately.When an FHA Mortgage is paid in full, the Servicer must collect the amounts due FHA for the adjusted prepayment premium and for pro rata earned mortgage insurance premiums. The Servicer must then complete any required notice and submit it directly to FHA with the required remittances.
(d) Buydown accountsAny funds remaining in the buydown account of a Mortgage prepaid in full must be released according to the terms of the buydown agreement.For further explanation of procedures to be followed in regard to conventional, FHA/VA and Section 502 GRH Mortgage payments-in-full, see Section 8303.9.