5303.3: Additional employed income (09/14/17)
© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide
This section contains general and topic-specific stable monthly income history, continuance, calculation and documentation requirements for the following income types:
- Commission income less than 25%
- Commission income greater than or equal to 25%
- Bonus income
- Overtime income
- Tip income – Reported by the employer
- Tip income – Cash and charge tips reported on Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 4137
- Automobile allowance
- Mortgage differential
- Military entitlements
- Military Reserves and National Guard
- Unemployment compensation associated with seasonal employment
(a) General overview
A Borrower may receive additional income from employment such as commission, bonus and overtime pay. Generally, additional employed income is received in connection with the primary or secondary employment; however, there are instances where the income is received through separate sources, such as the military Reserve or National Guard. If the Seller includes additional employed income to qualify the Borrower, the Seller must determine that the amount of income used to qualify the Borrower is stable and complies with the requirements below for each income type. All income must be either expected to continue or have documented continuance for at least three years as defined in the topic specific requirements within this section.The following requirements and guidance are to be used in conjunction with the requirements and guidance in Section 5301.1.
(b) Income history and stability – requirements and guidance
Many additional employed income types are fluctuating income. The stability of fluctuating income is determined based primarily upon historical earnings so it is imperative that a sufficient income history has been established. For this reason, most income types that fluctuate have a history requirement of two years. In certain instances, a shorter history may still be considered stable if the Seller provides a written analysis and sufficient supporting documentation justifying the determination of stability. When making this determination, the Seller must take into consideration factors such as income and/or employment characteristics and the overall layering of risk factors, including the Borrower's demonstrated ability to repay obligations. In no event may the history be less than 12 months.Refer to Section 5303.4 for information with respect to employed income calculation requirements and guidance.
(c) Earnings types for additional employed income
(i) Fixed earnings
For the purposes of determining stable monthly income, fixed additional employed income earnings are considered to be earnings that are based on a pre-determined and agreed upon fixed amount of pay that is fully documented, such as an automobile allowance, mortgage differential or military entitlement(s).
(ii) Fluctuating earnings
For the purposes of determining stable monthly income, fluctuating additional employed income earnings are considered to be earnings that fluctuate on a regular basis, often based on factors such as hours worked, job type and performance. Fluctuating earnings may include, but are not limited to, income types such as commissions, overtime, bonus, tips, Reserve and National Guard, and unemployment compensation associated with seasonal employment.
Refer to Section 5303.4 for information with respect to employed income calculation requirements and guidance.
(d) Stable monthly income and documentation requirements for additional employed income
The chart below includes the stable monthly income and documentation requirements for additional employed income:
Income type | Stable monthly income requirements | Documentation requirements |
Streamlined Accept and Standard Documentation Levels | ||
Commission income less than 25% of the income from the commissioned employment | History of receipt: Two-years, consecutive Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: Refer to Section 5303.4(b) for calculation guidance and requirements | All of the following:
Commission income greater than or equal to 25% of the income from the commissioned employment | History of receipt: Two years, consecutive Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: Unreimbursed employee expenses reflected on Schedule A and IRS Form 2106 (if applicable) of the Borrower's federal individual income tax returns must be deducted from the Borrower's gross commission income when calculating income. Refer to Section 5303.4(b) for calculation guidance and requirements. | All of the following:
Bonus income | History of receipt: Two-years, consecutive Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: Refer to Section 5303.4(b) for calculation guidance and requirements | All of the following:
Overtime income | History of receipt: Two-years, consecutive Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: Refer to Section 5303.4(b) for calculation guidance and requirements | All of the following:
RS and RSU subject to performance-based vesting provisions | History of receipt:
Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: Refer to Section 5303.4(b) for calculation guidance and requirements | All of the following:
The Mortgage file must contain:
RS & RSU subject to time-based vesting provisions | History of receipt:
Continuance: Must continue for at least the next 3 years Calculation: Refer to Section 5303.4(b) for calculation guidance and requirements | All of the following:
Or all of the following:
The Mortgage file must contain:
Tip income reported by the employer | History of receipt: Two-years, consecutive Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: Refer to Section 5303.4(b) for calculation guidance and requirements | All of the following:
Tip income – Cash and charge tips reported on IRS Form 4137 | History of receipt: Two years, consecutive Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: Refer to Section 5303.4(b) for calculation guidance and requirements | All of the following:
Automobile allowance | History of receipt: Two-years, consecutive Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: The Seller may add the full amount of the allowance to the Borrower's qualifying income, and when calculating the Borrower's debt payment-to-income ratio, the Seller must include the full amount of the monthly automobile financing expense in the calculation of the Borrower's monthly debt payment (refer to Section 5401.2). The Seller may not subtract the automobile allowance from the monthly automobile financing expense. | All of the following:
Mortgage differential | History of receipt: A history of receipt is not required for the income to be considered stable Continuance: Must continue for at least the next three years Calculation: Payments from the Borrower's employer for all or part of the housing payment differential between the Borrower's present and proposed Mortgage payment. The Seller may add the mortgage differential payments to the Borrower's income. The payments may not be used to offset the monthly housing payment amount used for qualification. | Agreement from the employer stating the terms including, but not limited to, the scheduled amount and duration of the payments. The documentation must show that the payments are pursuant to an established, ongoing and documented employer program. The employer must not be an interested party to the transaction. |
Military entitlements (e.g., as flight or hazard duty, rations, clothing allowance or quarters allowance) | History of receipt: A history of receipt is not required for the income to be considered stable Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: Current fixed monthly amount | All of the following:
Military Reserve and National Guard income | History of receipt: One year Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: 12-month average | All of the following:
Unemployment compensation associated with seasonal employment | History of receipt: Two years, consecutive Continuance: Must be likely to continue for at least the next three years Calculation: Refer to Section 5303.4(b) for calculation guidance and requirements | Proof of receipt of unemployment compensation for the most recent two-year period (e.g., IRS Form 1099-G(s) and/or equivalent documentation) |