6301.5: Modifying instrument or assumption of indebtedness agreement (03/02/16)

© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

The Seller must deliver the following documents with the original Note:

  • If a Mortgage has been modified or converted from an ARM to a fixed-rate Mortgage: the original modification or conversion agreement, unless it is recorded with the Security Instrument. If the original modification or conversion agreement is recorded with the Security Instrument, a copy of the modification or conversion agreement must be delivered.
  • For a Construction Conversion Mortgage or a Renovation Mortgage that uses Modification Construction Conversion Documentation, the original Construction Conversion Modification Agreement, unless it is recorded with the Security Instrument. If the original Construction Conversion Modification Agreement is recorded with the Security Instrument, a copy of the Construction Conversion Modification Agreement must be delivered.
  • If the ownership of the Mortgaged Premises has been transferred in any way the ownership transfer instrument and assumption of indebtedness agreement

The Seller need not submit a modifying instrument that by its terms ceases to be effective upon purchase of the modified Mortgage by Freddie Mac.