8202.3: Flood insurance (11/13/18)

8202.3: Flood insurance (11/13/18)

© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

A flood zone determination (FZD) must be made for each property securing a Mortgage sold to Freddie Mac.

A FZD must be documented by a completed FEMA Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form, FEMA Form 086-0-032 (Exhibit 13, Standard Flood Hazard Determination Form [SFHDF]) in accordance with federal law. The SFHDF may be used in a printed, computerized or electronic manner and must be retained for the life of the Mortgage in either hard copy or electronic format. Any alternative electronic format must contain all mandatory fields indicated on the SFHDF.

The date in the "Date of Determination" field on the SFHDF must be a date that is no more than 120 days before the Note Date of the Mortgage, or, if applicable, the Note Date of the refinance Mortgage. However, the "Date of Determination" field on the SFHDF may be a date that is more than 120 days before the Note Date of the Mortgage or, if applicable, the Note Date of the refinance Mortgage, if the Seller uses a "life of loan" FZD where the third party providing the FZD provides a "life of loan" certificate assuring that the Mortgage is monitored for compliance.

The loan number or other identifying information in the "Loan Identifier" field on the SFHDF must be the loan number or other identifying information for the Mortgage or, if applicable, the refinance Mortgage.

The Seller/Servicer warrants that any FZD made by a party other than the Seller/Servicer is guaranteed by the FZD maker to be accurate, in accordance with federal law. The Seller/Servicer, however, remains responsible to Freddie Mac for the accuracy of any FZD made by the Seller/Servicer or any party other than the Seller/Servicer.

If the SFHDF identifies the insurable improvements on the Mortgaged Premises as located in an area that has been identified as a Special Flood Hazard Area (SFHA) containing the letter "A" or "V" within its designated zone on a flood map (Flood Hazard Boundary Map or Flood Insurance Rate Map) of FEMA, the Seller/Servicer must ensure that flood insurance is obtained and maintained on such improvements for the term of the Mortgage. The flood insurance policy may be issued by any insurer qualified under Section 8202.1, and the terms and conditions of the flood insurance coverage must be at least equivalent to the terms and conditions of coverage provided under the standard policy of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) for the type of improvements insured.

The Seller/Servicer may waive the flood insurance requirement if:

  • The Borrower and the Seller/Servicer have obtained, following a joint request to FEMA as provided under federal law, a Letter of Determination Review (LODR) concluding that the insurable improvements are not in the SFHA, or
  • The Borrower has provided the Seller/Servicer with a Letter of Map Amendment (LOMA) from FEMA excluding the insurable improvements or the entire property from the SFHA, or
  • The Borrower has provided the Seller/Servicer with a Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) from FEMA removing the community's SFHA designation

The Borrower must maintain flood insurance on the insurable improvements until FEMA issues a LOMA, LOMR or LODR. Upon issuance of a LOMA, LOMR or LODR, the Borrower may request from FEMA a refund of paid flood insurance premiums through the insurance agent servicing the flood insurance policy. A copy of the LOMA, LOMR or LODR, as applicable, must be maintained in the Mortgage file in accordance with Chapters 3401, 3301 and 3302.

If the insurable improvements on the Mortgaged Premises are located in an SFHA but the community does not participate in the NFIP ("nonparticipating community"), the Mortgage is not eligible for sale to Freddie Mac.

If the insurable improvements on the Mortgaged Premises are located in an area that has not been mapped by FEMA and the Seller/Servicer is not aware of any flood risks to which the improvements are exposed, the Mortgage is eligible for sale to Freddie Mac without the benefit of flood insurance. If the area has not been mapped by FEMA but the Seller/Servicer is aware that the insurable improvements are exposed to flood risks, the Mortgage is not eligible for sale to Freddie Mac without flood insurance on the improvements.

  • 1- to 4-unit properties

If the community where the Mortgaged Premises are located participates in the Emergency Program of the NFIP, the flood insurance coverage on the insurable improvements must at least equal the lowest of the following:

  • The UPB of the Mortgage
  • The maximum amount of coverage currently sold under the Emergency Program of the NFIP for the type of improvements insured
  • The replacement cost of the insurable improvements

The Seller/Servicer must ensure that the Borrower increases flood insurance coverage on the insurable improvements when the community moves into the Regular Program of the NFIP as described below.

If the community where the Mortgaged Premises are located participates in the Regular Program of the NFIP, the flood insurance coverage on the insurable improvements must at least equal the lowest of the following:

  • The UPB of the Mortgage
  • The maximum amount of coverage currently sold under the Regular Program of the NFIP for the type of improvements insured
  • The replacement cost of the insurable improvements

The deductible may not exceed the maximum deductible amount currently allowed under the NFIP for the type of improvements insured.

For 1- to 4-unit properties, the Seller/Servicer may waive the flood insurance requirements for structures on the Mortgaged Premises that are detached from the primary residential structure and do not serve as a residence.

(b) PUD or ground lease community units

Flood insurance requirements for 1- to 4-unit properties apply to similar residential properties within a PUD or ground lease community.

(c) Condominium Units

Flood insurance requirements for 1- to 4-unit properties apply to similar residential properties in a 2- to 4-Unit Condominium Project or Detached Condominium Project.If the Condominium Unit securing a Mortgage sold to or serviced for Freddie Mac is in a building in a Condominium Project other than a 2- to 4-Unit Condominium Project or Detached Condominium Project and all or part of the building is in an SFHA, the following flood insurance coverage, as applicable, is required:

(i) Condominium owners association's coverage

The condominium owners association must maintain building coverage on the building for the lower of (i) 80% of the building's replacement cost or (ii) $250,000 multiplied by the number of residential units in the building.

The condominium owners association must maintain contents coverage on the building for the lower of (i) the actual cash value of the contents in the building that are owned in common by the association members or (ii) the maximum amount of contents coverage sold by the NFIP for a condominium building.If the condominium owners associations' building coverage is not at least equal to the lower of 80% of the building's replacement cost or $250,000 multiplied by the number of units in the building, the Mortgage is not eligible for sale to Freddie Mac, with the exception of Freddie Mac Relief Refinance MortgagesSM – Same Servicer or Freddie Mac Relief Refinance Mortgages – Open Access, which remain eligible for sale to Freddie Mac with supplemental coverage if applicable.

The deductible of the condominium owners association's coverage may not exceed the maximum deductible amount currently allowed under the NFIP for condominium association building coverage. The deductible for association building contents may not exceed the maximum deductible amount currently allowed under the NFIP for association building contents.

(ii) Unit owner's coverage

To the extent the condominium owners association's building coverage meets the minimum requirements above, but the unit allocation does not meet the 1- to 4-unit coverage requirement, the Borrower must maintain supplemental coverage on the unit. The coverage must be at least equal to the difference between the condominium associations' building coverage allocated to that unit and the amount required on a 1- to 4-unit property.The deductible may not exceed the maximum deductible allowed for a 1- to 4-unit property.