4101.5: Origination and delivery of Mortgages using a New York Consolidation, Extension and Modification Agreement (the "NY CEMA") (03/02/16)

© 2018 Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

Freddie Mac will purchase refinance Mortgages secured by property located in New York State that are documented using an NY CEMA. The NY CEMA combines into one set of rights and obligations all of the promises and agreements stated in existing Notes and Mortgages secured by the Mortgaged Premises including, if new funds are advanced to the Borrower at the time of the consolidation, a new Note and Mortgage. The result is that the Borrower has one consolidated loan obligation, evidenced by a Consolidated Note that is paid in accordance with the terms of the NY CEMA.

In this section:

  • The original Note executed by the Borrower that is being consolidated, extended and modified by the newly executed NY CEMA is referred to as the Original Old Money Note
  • The original Note executed by the Borrower at the time the current NY CEMA is executed that represents new funds advanced to the Borrower at the time of the current consolidation is referred to as the Original New Money (Gap) Note

In connection with the current financing transaction evidenced by the NY CEMA, the Borrower must execute a new original Note, referred to as the Consolidated Note, that consolidates, extends and modifies the Original Old Money Note and the Original New Money (Gap) Note, if any.
(a) Documentation

When documenting a Mortgage using an NY CEMA, the Seller must use the most current version of the New York Consolidation, Extension and Modification Agreement Single-Family Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uniform Instrument (Form 3172). The current version can be found on Freddie Mac's web site at http://www.freddiemac.com/singlefamily/guide/?tab=2&tog.In addition, the Borrower must execute a Consolidated Note.

(b) Delivery package for NY CEMA

For a Mortgage originated using the NY CEMA, the Seller must deliver the complete NY CEMA delivery package listed below to its Document Custodian.The complete NY CEMA delivery package must include the following documents:

(i) NY CEMAThis may be a certified copy, as the original must be submitted for recordation. If a certified copy is delivered, the Seller warrants the copy is a true and correct copy of the original delivered for recording.(ii) NY CEMA exhibitsComplete set of NY CEMA exhibits, as follows:

  • Exhibit A — A list, or a copy of a list, of the obligations being consolidated, modified and extended. All Notes, security instruments, assignments, consolidation agreements and related agreements that modify, consolidate or extend prior underlying obligations and which predate the current NY CEMA must be listed separately in Exhibit A.
  • Exhibit B — The property description of the Mortgaged Premises. A copy of Schedule A (Property Description) to the New York Mortgage may be used but should be marked as Exhibit B to identify it as an NY CEMA exhibit.
  • Exhibit C — A copy of the complete Consolidated Note (including any applicable addenda), with fixed-rate or adjustable-rate Note language inserted at the top of the first page. (The required language is stated in (iii) below.) Borrower signatures are not required.
  • Exhibit D — The most current version of the New York Single-Family Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uniform Security Instrument (Form 3033) with all blanks completed and any applicable riders attached. Borrower signatures are not required.

(iii) Separate, originally executed Consolidated NoteAn original Note with live Borrower signatures, endorsed in blank. The Consolidated Note must be the most current version of the applicable Single-Family Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac Uniform Note (e.g., Form 3233, 3501, 3502, 3504 or 3514) with all blanks completed and any applicable addendum or addenda. The Consolidated Note must have the following language, as applicable, inserted at the top of the document:

  • For Fixed-Rate Notes:Consolidated NoteThis Note amends and restates in their entirety, and is given in substitution for, the Notes described in Exhibit A of the New York Consolidation, Extension and Modification Agreement dated the same date as this Note.
  • For Adjustable-Rate Notes:Consolidated Adjustable-Rate NoteThis Note amends and restates in their entirety, and is given in substitution for, the Notes described in Exhibit A of the New York Consolidation, Extension and Modification Agreement dated the same date as this Note.

(c) Mortgage file requirements

With respect to Mortgages documented with the NY CEMA, Seller represents and warrants that the Mortgage file contains the documentation required by Sections 3301.3, 3302.2 and 3401.3.