9.2 OVERVIEW (10/16/18)

9.2 OVERVIEW (10/16/18)

© RHS HB-1-3555 SFH Guaranteed Loan Program Technical Handbook

The SFHGLP is intended to assist very-low, low, and moderate-income households. Therefore, the lender must ensure that any household that requests a loan guarantee does not exceed the adjusted annual income threshold for the applicable state and county where the dwelling is located. The Agency provides income eligibility information in Appendix 5 of this Handbook to lenders, and updates the limits as they are revised.

This section assists lenders to analyze income types, complete income calculations (annual, adjusted, and repayment), and document the income with acceptable verifications. Attachment 9-B of this Chapter includes an income worksheet for lenders to document these calculations. Attachment 9-C provides a case study to illustrate how to properly complete the income worksheet. A public website is available to assist in the calculation of annual and adjusted annual income online at: