10.10 NON-FEDERAL JUDGMENTS (03/09/16)
© RHS HB-1-3555 SFH Guaranteed Loan Program Technical Handbook
The presence of court-ordered non-Federal judgments must be considered in the credit analysis. Unpaid judgments may represent an applicant's disregard for credit obligations. Lenders must document reasons for approving a mortgage when the applicant has judgments. Usually judgments are paid in full prior to loan eligibility.
The following is applicable to all underwriting types.
Unless precluded by state law, judgments of a non-purchasing spouse in a community property state will be paid in full or meet the exception guidance provided in this Paragraph.
Note: With the exception of an IRS tax debt with a repayment plan underway, an outstanding Federal judgment that is open and remains unsatisfied is ineligible for the SFHGLP.