12.4 SITE REQUIREMENTS [7 CFR 3555.201(b)] (06/04/18)

© RHS HB-1-3555 SFH Guaranteed Loan Program Technical Handbook

A qualified property must be predominately residential in use, character, and design. Sites must be developed in accordance with any standards imposed by a State or local government. Therefore, the lender must verify that the following requirements are met at the time of application.

  • Site size. There is no specific limitation to the size/acreage of the site. The appraiser must provide an explanation in the addendum of the appraisal to explain adjustments to comparable properties, how the subject compares to other properties in the area, etc.
  • Income-Producing Buildings. The property must not include buildings principally used for income-producing purposes. Barns, silos, commercial greenhouses, or livestock facilities used primarily for the production of agricultural, farming or commercial enterprise are ineligible. However, barns, silos, livestock facilities or greenhouses no longer in use for a commercial operation, which will be used for storage do not render the property ineligible. Outbuildings such as storage sheds and non-commercial workshops are permitted if they are not used primarily for an income producing agricultural, farming or commercial enterprise. A minimal income-producing activity, such as maintaining a garden that generates a small amount of additional income, does not violate this requirement. Home-based operations such as childcare, product sales, or craft production that do not require specific commercial real estate features are not restricted.
  • Accessory Dwelling Unit. The presence of an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) does not automatically render the property ineligible. The appraiser will determine if the ADU represents a second single family housing dwelling unit. The Agency defers to the appraisers professional review of the property and expert opinion of the highest and best use of the subject property as a primary residence. The appraiser will include their evaluation in the site analysis section of the appraisal report if applicable.
  • Income-Producing Land. The site must not have income-producing land that will be used principally for income producing purposes. Vacant land or properties used primarily for agricultural, farming or commercial enterprise are ineligible.
  • Site Specifications. The site must be contiguous to, and have direct access from a street, road, or driveway. Streets and roads must be hard surfaced or all weather surfaced and legally enforceable arrangements must be in place to ensure that needed maintenance will be provided.
  • Utilities. The site must be supported by adequate utilities and water and wastewater disposal systems.
  • Zoning. The property must comply with applicable zoning and restrictions. If an existing property does not comply with all current zoning ordinances but it is accepted by the local zoning authority, the appraiser must report the property as legal non-conforming. The appraisal must reflect any adverse effect of the legal nonconforming use on the value and marketability of the property.
  • Economic Life. The economic life of a dwelling must meet or exceed the term of the proposed loan.