14.01 CLAIMS (38 CFR 36.4324) (11/17/16)

14.01 CLAIMS (38 CFR 36.4324) (11/17/16)

© VA Servicers Handbook - M26-4

a. Servicers must submit claims to VA for reimbursement of any fees, costs, and losses associated with the termination of a guaranteed home loan within 365 days of termination. If a servicer fails to submit a claim within the required timeframe, they may submit an appeal late claim event to VA for consideration. Refer to Chapter 16, Appeals, of this handbook for more information.
b. Claims may be submitted on the following:
1. Foreclosure.
2. Deed-in-Lieu (DIL) of foreclosure.
3. Compromise sale.
4. Terminated mobile home.
5. Refund. On refunded loans, the servicers must submit the refund claim within 60 days of VA's approval date. Refer to the Chapter 9, Refunds, of this handbook for more information.