9501.2: Review and evaluation of firms (03/02/16)

9501.2: Review and evaluation of firms (03/02/16)

© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

(a) Due diligence As part of its selection process, each Servicer is responsible for obtaining and evaluating documentation and information from firms, and conducting due diligence to ensure that selected firms meet the requirements set forth in Section 9501.3. As part of the process, each Servicer must:

  • Obtain and review all required documentation and information submitted by each firm
  • Ensure that it selects from a pool of potentially acceptable firms that is diverse, and includes minority and women-owned firms and other diverse firms when feasible; and
  • Ensure that the firm or any entity or individual performing work for the firm is not on the Freddie Mac Exclusionary List in accordance with Section 3101.1

(b) Due diligence documentation The Servicer must provide to Freddie Mac upon request a copy of each firm's application information and related due diligence documentation. Freddie Mac reserves the right to review the process, procedures and due diligence used by the Servicer to evaluate and select a firm.

(c) Document retention requirements The Servicer must retain all information submitted by a firm in support of the firm's application and all information otherwise gathered by the Servicer regarding the firm. The Servicer must maintain any information relating to firms that are selected and retained by the Servicer for as long as the firm is providing legal services with respect to Freddie Mac-owned or guaranteed Mortgages and, thereafter, for the longer of any retention period applicable to the Servicer or seven years. The Servicer must maintain any information relating to firms that are not selected and retained by the Servicer for the longer of any retention period applicable to the Servicer or seven years.