9401.3: Bankruptcy general requirements (11/05/18)

9401.3: Bankruptcy general requirements (11/05/18)

Ā© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

When the Servicer receives notice, or confirms information that a Borrower has filed a bankruptcy petition, at a minimum, the Servicer must:

  1. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including working with the debtor's pre-bankruptcy credit counseling agency on a debt management plan, if applicable
  2. Obtain a copy of the Borrower's (debtor's) bankruptcy petition or other bankruptcy notice
  3. Accurately complete and file a proof of claim, including all required proof of claim forms, within the time limitations set by the bankruptcy court. This may include, but is not limited to, providing timely information, documentation (e.g., Borrower payment history) and payoff and reinstatement figures necessary for bankruptcy counsel to meet the time limits set by the bankruptcy court if counsel is representing the Servicer in the case. If additional costs are incurred after confirmation of the bankruptcy plan, work with the trustee to ensure all steps are taken to recover those costs allowable by law from the debtor through the plan, if applicable. The Servicer must, prior to filing any proof of claim or motion for relief from the stay with respect to a Mortgage registered on the MERSĀ®System, prepare and execute (using the Servicer's employee who is a MERS authorized "signing officer") an assignment of the Security Instrument from MERS to the Servicer. The Servicer must record the prepared assignment where required by State law. State mandated recordings are non-reimbursable by Freddie Mac, are not considered part of the Freddie Mac allowable foreclosure counsel fees and must not be billed to the Borrower.
  4. Monitor the bankruptcy filing and obtain status of the proceedings from the trustee in a timely manner. This includes, at a minimum, assisting with any motions for relief of stay and monitoring the first meeting of creditors, proof of claim and/or confirmation of the bankruptcy plan, pre- and post-petition payments, pleadings and notices. If counsel requests additional documentation and/or information from the Servicer, at any time, the Servicer must provide such requested information and/or documents within three Business Days after receipt of the request, or within such earlier time frame if necessary, to comply with timing requirements under applicable law or court orders and procedures.
  5. Maintain copies of all relevant documents related to the bankruptcy including the notice of first meeting of creditors, proof of claim, pleadings, notices, etc.
  6. Determine whether the Borrower wishes to keep the property
  7. Not require the Borrower to sign a reaffirmation of debt agreement. If the Servicer chooses to have the Borrower reaffirm the debt, the Servicer must comply with all applicable laws, including obtaining the court's approval of the reaffirmation agreement, if necessary. Freddie Mac will not reimburse the Servicer for any legal costs incurred in obtaining a reaffirmation agreement.
  8. Review any bankruptcy reorganization plan proposed under Chapters 11 or 13 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code (refer toĀ Section 9401.8Ā regarding the Servicer's Servicing responsibilities should a bankruptcy judge order a bankruptcy cramdown) and respond in a manner that protects Freddie Mac's interests. Likewise, review any bankruptcy plan proposed under Chapter 12 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code and respond in a manner that protects Freddie Mac's interests. Such review includes verifying that the bankruptcy repayment plan does not extend past the maturity date of the Mortgage, and the bankruptcy repayment plan sets forth the proper monthly payment to include the outstanding debt and sufficient funds to pay taxes, all property insurance and mortgage insurance premiums when they become due. If the bankruptcy repayment plan will extend past the maturity date of the Mortgage, the Servicer must object.
  9. If appropriate, file an action with the bankruptcy court to secure a determination that the property is abandoned. In the event the court considers the property abandoned, file an order lifting the automatic stay.
  10. Monitor and properly apply payments received under any bankruptcy repayment plan. If the Borrower becomes delinquent on two post-petition and/or plan payments, instruct counsel to take immediate action to modify the stay order and initiate, or resume, foreclosure proceedings. (SeeĀ Sections 9401.6Ā andĀ 9401.7Ā for more information on instructing counsel to file for relief from the automatic stay.)
  11. Conduct a monthly inspection of the property for any delinquent Mortgage unless a bankruptcy repayment plan is in place and being adhered to
  12. Verify that the Borrower is current on his or her tax and insurance payments or, if there is an Escrow account for taxes and insurance, perform an Escrow analysis to determine if a bankruptcy repayment plan must include additional Escrow Funds to maintain the Escrow account. In addition, perform a periodic Escrow analysis and notify the trustee of any change to the payment amount resulting from the analysis.
  13. Immediately notify the trustee of any Transfer of Servicing (both the transferor and transferee must notify the trustee). SeeĀ Chapter 7101Ā for specific requirements for Transfer of Servicing, including Concurrent Transfers of Servicing and Subsequent Transfers of Servicing.
  14. For leasehold Mortgages:
  • If termination of the lease will impair Freddie Mac's lien position or interest in the property,Ā take appropriate action to assume the lease payments to the lessor if the lease is rejected by the Chapter 7 trustee in bankruptcy and the Borrower ceases making paymentsĀ required under the terms ofĀ the leaseĀ (i.e., ground rents)
  • Object to any Chapter 13 plan that does not provide for payment of the ground rent in addition to the Mortgage payments and real estate taxes
  • In cases when the trustee will pay post-petition payments, it is the Servicer's responsibility to notify the trustee of all changes, including any missed post-petition payment, and to send copies of breach/acceleration letters to the trustee
  1. Immediately upon release of bankruptcy, if the Mortgage is delinquent, the Servicer must either:
  • Resume foreclosure activities, if the Mortgage was in foreclosure previous to the bankruptcy filing, in accordance withĀ Chapter 9301, or
  • Initiate or resume collection activity in accordance withĀ Chapter 9102

Servicers must inform the Borrower, Borrower's counsel or bankruptcy trustee, that an approved modification is conditioned on obtaining the bankruptcy court's approval, if necessary, to modify the Mortgage prior to the due date of the first modified payment.

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