9501.5: Retention of firm (03/02/16)

9501.5: Retention of firm (03/02/16)

© Freddie Mac Single-Family Seller Servicer Guide

(a) Servicer contract with firm

If the Servicer has not already entered into a contract with a selected firm and Freddie Mac has provided a "no objection" determination, then the Servicer must enter into a contract with the firm. The Servicer must notify Freddie Mac when the contract has been executed by updating the Servicer Attorney Tracking System (SATS) via https://freddiemacsats.com, and must provide a copy of the contract to Freddie Mac, upon request.

(b) Freddie Mac limited retention agreement with firm

Freddie Mac will enter into a limited retention agreement that sets forth certain key retention provisions with each selected firm for each State in which the firm has received a "no objection" determination.

(c) Conflict between Servicer's contract and limited retention agreements; Servicer's respective consent

The Servicer acknowledges that the limited retention agreement recognizes and reflects a joint attorney-client relationship between the law firm, Freddie Mac and the Servicer, and the Servicer consents to such joint representation. The Servicer consents, in advance, to the selected firm's representation of Freddie Mac in any Freddie Mac Default Legal Matter that is or might be adverse to the Servicer, and further agrees that the firm can use in such representation any information the firm gained in the course of jointly representing the Servicer and Freddie Mac. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict between the terms and conditions of the Servicer's contract with the selected firm and the terms and conditions of Freddie Mac's limited retention agreement with the firm, Freddie Mac's limited retention agreement shall control.

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