ML 2004-24: Federal Housing Administration (FHA) Mortgages to United States Veterans (06/18/04)

© HUD Single Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1


With an increasing number of Armed Forces personnel returning to the United States following their service overseas as well as other servicemen and women obtaining veterans status, FHA wishes to remind mortgagees of the additional financing opportunities it makes available to qualified veterans. The three percent cash investment requirement for mortgagors described in Section 203(b)(2) of the National Housing Act does not apply to borrowers who are veterans and, under certain circumstances, this veteran's preference may result in a significant reduction to the cash needed to close the mortgage.

Who Benefits?

Veterans already enjoy substantial homeownership opportunities through the Loan Guaranty programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA); this FHA program supplements but does not supplant those entitlement programs. This additional mortgage financing opportunity being provided by FHA may directly benefit:

  • Veterans with less than full eligibility for a VA guaranteed loan
  • Veterans who are co-borrowers with someone other than a spouse
  • Veterans whose eligibility is tied up until a loan that was assumed is paid off or the veteran is released from all liability
  • Veterans reusing their eligibility and whose new loan under VA may have a funding fee greater than FHA's mortgage insurance premium

How Much Do Veterans Benefit?

The qualified veteran is not required to make a cash investment of three percent of the property's sales price. For those eligible veterans whose property seller will pay all the closing costs, or choose to use premium pricing for settlement charges, or some combination of both, the cash settlement reduction can be substantial. This cash reduction will always be equal to the difference between the maximum loan-to-value (LTV) limit, which varies according to sales price and the State where the property is located, and 97 percent (the reciprocal of the 3 percent cash investment requirement) multiplied by the sales price (or appraised value, if less). As the amount of borrower-paid closing costs increase, the benefit diminishes.

The chart below shows the potential cash savings at loan settlement available to veterans in both low- and high-closing costs states.

Sales PriceNormal 3%Savings for VeteransSavings for Veterans
Low Closing Cost StateHigh Closing Cost State
Cash Req.SavingsCash Req.Savings

To ease the mortgage amount calculation process, on the Mortgage Credit Analysis Worksheet/Purchase Money Mortgages (form HUD-92900-PUR), line 10d, instead of multiplying by 3 percent to determine the statutory investment requirement, substitute the following percentages:

Minimum Cash Investment Required for Veterans
States with Average Closings Costs At or Below 2.1 Percent of Sales Price
 1.25 percent: For properties with values/sales prices equal to or less than $50,000.
 2.35 percent: For properties with values/sales prices in excess of $50,000 up to $125,000
 2.85 percent: For properties with values/sales prices in excess of $125,000.
States with Average Closings Costs Above 2.1 Percent of Sales Price
 1.25 percent: For properties with values/sales prices equal to or less than $50,000.
 2.25 percent: For properties with values/sales prices in excess of $50,000.

Documentation Requirements

A completed Certificate of Veterans Status (CVS, form VA 26-8261) issued to the veteran borrower is the only document that may be used for program eligibility. The Department of Veterans Affairs is solely responsible for determining eligibility for a CVS and its subsequent issuance.

Requests for a CVS are to be sent on form VA 26-8261a, along with proof of military service, to the appropriate VA Eligibility Center. This form is available at:

If the veteran borrower lives in one of the following states:

Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin or Wyoming, the request is to be submitted to:

If the veteran borrowers lives in one of the following states:

Alabama, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia or West Virginia, the request is to be submitted to:

  • Department of Veterans Affairs
    Loan Eligibility Center
    Post Office Box 20729
    Winston-Salem, NC 27120

    For overnight delivery:

    Department of Veterans Affairs
    Loan Eligibility Center
    251 N. Main Street
    Winston-Salem, NC 27155

    Toll free number: 1-888-244-6711

If you have any questions regarding this Mortgagee Letter, please contact your Homeownership Center (HOC) in Atlanta (888-696-4687), Denver (800-543-9378), Philadelphia (800-440-8647), or Santa Ana (888-827-5605).

John C. Weicher
Assistant Secretary for Housing -
Federal Housing Commissioner