II.A.4.a. Underwriting with an Automated Underwriting System (09/14/15)

© HUD Single Family Housing Policy Handbook 4000.1

FHA’s Technology Open To Approved Lenders (TOTAL) Mortgage Scorecard is not an Automated Underwriting System (AUS) but a scorecard that must interface through a system-to-system connection with an AUS.

Each AUS using TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard provides a Feedback Certificate/Finding Report, which documents results of the credit risk evaluation, and identifies the credit report utilized for the scoring event. The Feedback Certificate/Finding Report upon which the Mortgagee makes its underwriting decision prior to endorsement must be included in the case binder.

Included in this section are:

i. Use of TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard
ii. Requirements for the Submission of Data through TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard
iii. Function of TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard
iv. Feedback Certificates: Risk Classification and Related Responsibilities (TOTAL)
v. Accept Risk Classifications Requiring a Downgrade to Manual Underwriting (TOTAL)
vi. Applicability of Automated Underwriting System Rules (TOTAL)
vii. TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard Tolerance Levels for Rescoring

i. Use of TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard

All transactions must be scored through TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard, except Streamline Refinance transactions and assumptions.

If the Mortgage involves a HUD employee, the Mortgagee must score the transaction through TOTAL. If the file receives an Accept, the Mortgagee must underwrite the transaction in accordance with the guidance in this Underwriting the Borrower Using the TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard section. The Mortgagee must submit the underwritten mortgage application to the Processing and Underwriting Division Director at the Jurisdictional HOC for final underwriting approval.

Mortgagees using TOTAL remain solely responsible for prudent underwriting practices and the Final Underwriting Decision.

ii. Requirements for the Submission of Data through TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard

The Mortgagee must submit data to TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard through an approved AUS vendor in a data format acceptable to the AUS vendor, to meet the requirements described in the TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard Developer’s Guide.

iii. Function of TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard

TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard evaluates the overall credit risk posed by the Borrower, based on a number of credit variables, when combined with the functionalities of an AUS.

The Mortgagee may not accept or deny an FHA-insured Mortgage based solely on a risk assessment generated by TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard.

The Mortgagee must ensure full compliance with all FHA eligibility requirements, and all requirements of this section. The Mortgagee must verify the information used to score the Mortgage through TOTAL but does not need to analyze the credit history, unless otherwise stated in this section, if an Accept or Approve recommendation is received.

The underwriter must still underwrite all appraisals according to standard FHA requirements.

The underwriter must fully underwrite those applications where TOTAL issues a Refer.

(A) Automated Underwriting System Data Entry Requirements

(1) Mortgagees The Mortgagee must verify the integrity of all data elements entered into the AUS to ensure the outcome of the Mortgage credit risk evaluation is valid including:

  • Borrower’s Credit Report
  • Borrower’s Liabilities/Debt
  • Borrower’s Effective Income
  • Borrower’s Assets/Reserves
  • Adjusted Value
  • Borrower’s total Mortgage Payment including Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance (PITI)

The Borrower’s total Mortgage Payment includes:

  • Principal and Interest (P&I);
  • real estate taxes;
  • hazard insurance;
  • flood insurance as applicable;
  • Mortgage Insurance Premium;
  • HOA or condominium association fees or expenses;
  • Ground Rent;
  • special assessments, including any assessments related to a PACE obligation;
  • payments for any acceptable secondary financing; and
  • any other escrow payments.

The Mortgagee may deduct the amount of the Mortgage Credit Certificate or Section 8 Homeownership Voucher if it is paid directly to the Servicer. Where real estate taxes are abated, Mortgagees may use the abated amount provided that (1) the Mortgagee can document the abated amount with the taxing authority and (2) the abatement will remain in place for at least the first three years of the Mortgage.

(2) Sponsored Third-Party Originators The Mortgagee may permit a sponsored TPO to enter data into the AUS. Both the Mortgagee and its sponsored TPO must ensure and verify all data entered into the AUS. The Mortgagee remains ultimately responsible for ensuring the data entered into the AUS is correct.The Mortgagee must ensure the Employer Identification Number (EIN) of its sponsored TPO is entered into the AUS. If the Mortgagee is using an AUS that is unable to transmit the sponsored TPO EIN, the Mortgagee must enter “6999609996” in the Lender ID field.

(B) New Versions of TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard From time to time, FHA will release new versions of TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard. FHA will announce the date that the new version will be available. All Mortgages being scored for the first time will be scored using the new version. For Mortgages with a case number, the Mortgages will be scored using the version that was effective when the case number was assigned. Existing Mortgages scored without a case number will be scored according to the version number tag that is provided in the TOTAL file by the AUS provider (if none, then the current version will be used). All Mortgages without a case number will be scored using the new version 90 Days after the new version is implemented.

iv. Feedback Certificates: Risk Classification and Related Responsibilities (TOTAL)

If the Feedback Certificate/Finding Report shows an Accept or Approve, it will be referred to as Accept.

(A) Accept/Eligible If the Feedback Certificate/Finding Report shows an Accept/Eligible recommendation, the Mortgage may be eligible for FHA’s insurance endorsement provided the Mortgagee verified that data entered into the AUS is accurate and complete and that the entire mortgage application complies with all FHA requirements.The Mortgagee must verify that all supporting documentation and information entered into TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard is consistent with the final underwriting decision if the Mortgage receives an Accept/Eligible.

(B) Accept/Ineligible If the Feedback Certification/Finding Report shows an Accept/Ineligible recommendation, the Borrower’s credit and capacity would meet the threshold for approval, but the Mortgage does not fully comply with FHA’s eligibility requirements. The Feedback Certificate will identify the specific eligibility requirement that the Mortgage does not meet.The Mortgagee must analyze the Feedback Certificate and determine if the reason for the ineligibility is one that can be resolved in a manner that complies with FHA underwriting requirements. If the Mortgagee can correct the reason for ineligibility, the Mortgagee may rescore the Mortgage in the AUS. When the reason for ineligibility cannot be corrected in the AUS, the Mortgagee may underwrite the Mortgage using the following requirements for an Accept Mortgage, but must resolve the reason for ineligibility in accordance with FHA requirements and must provide an explanation of the resolution in the remarks section of form HUD-92900-LT, FHA Loan Underwriting and Transmittal Summary.

(C) Refer The underwriter must manually underwrite any mortgage application for which the Feedback Certificate shows a Refer recommendation or any result other than those described above.

v. Accept Risk Classifications Requiring a Downgrade to Manual Underwriting (TOTAL)

The Mortgagee must downgrade and manually underwrite any Mortgage that received an Accept recommendation if:

  • the mortgage file contains information or documentation that cannot be entered into or evaluated by TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard;
  • additional information, not considered in the AUS recommendation affects the overall insurability of the Mortgage;
  • the Borrower has $1,000 or more collectively in Disputed Derogatory Credit Accounts;
  • the date of the Borrower’s bankruptcy discharge as reflected on bankruptcy documents is within two years from the date of case number assignment;
  • the case number assignment date is within three years of the date of the transfer of title through a Pre-Foreclosure Sale (Short Sale);
  • the case number assignment date is within three years of the date of the transfer of title through a foreclosure sale;
  • the case number assignment date is within three years of the date of the transfer of title through a Deed-in-Lieu (DIL) of foreclosure;
  • the Mortgage Payment history, for any mortgage trade line reported on the credit report used to score the application, requires a downgrade as defined in Housing Obligations/Mortgage Payment History;
  • the Borrower has undisclosed mortgage debt that requires a downgrade; or
  • business income shows a greater than 20 percent decline over the analysis period.

vi. Applicability of Automated Underwriting System Rules (TOTAL)

If a determination is made that the Mortgage must be downgraded to manual underwriting, the Mortgagee must cease its use of the AUS and comply with all requirements for manual underwriting when underwriting a downgraded Mortgage.

vii. TOTAL Mortgage Scorecard Tolerance Levels for Rescoring

The Mortgagee must rescore a Mortgage when any data element of the Mortgage change and/or new Borrower information becomes available.

The Mortgagee is not required to rescore a Mortgage if the following data elements change from the last scoring event within the described tolerance levels:

When assessing...

Rescore is not required if:

Cash Reserves

Cash Reserves verified are not less than 10% below the previously scored amount


Income verified is not less than 5% below the previously scored amount

Tax and Insurance Escrow

The cumulative monthly tax and insurance escrow does not result in more than a 2% increase in the Total Mortgage Payment to Effective Income Ratio (PTI)