ยง1007.103: Registration of mortgage loan originators
ยฉ Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR)
(a)Registration requirementย -
(1)Employee registration.ย Each employee of aย covered financial institutionย who acts as aย mortgage loan originatorย must register with the Registry, obtain aย unique identifier, and maintain this registration in accordance with the requirements of this part. Any such employee who is not in compliance with the registration andย unique identifierย requirements set forth in this part is in violation of the S.A.F.E. Act and this part.
(2)Covered financial institution requirementย -
(i)In general.ย Aย covered financial institutionย that employs one or more individuals who act as a residentialย mortgage loan originatorย must require each such employee to register with the Registry, maintain this registration, and obtain aย unique identifierย in accordance with the requirements of this part.
(ii)Prohibition.ย Aย covered financial institutionย must not permit an employee who is subject to the registration requirements of this part to act as aย mortgage loan originatorย for the covered financial institutionย unless such employee is registered with the Registry pursuant to this part.
(3)ย [Reserved]
(4)Employees previously registered or licensed through the Registryย -
(i)In general.ย If an employee of aย covered financial institutionย was registered or licensed through, and obtained aย unique identifierย from, the Registry and has maintained this registration or license before the employee becomes subject to this part at the current covered financial institution, then the registration requirements of the S.A.F.E. Act and this part are deemed to be met, provided that:
(A)ย The employment information in paragraphs (d)(1)(i)(C) and (d)(1)(ii) of this section is updated and the requirements ofย paragraph (d)(2)ย of this section are met;
(B)ย New fingerprints of the employee are submitted to the Registry for a background check, as required byย paragraph (d)(1)(ix)ย of this section, unless the employee has fingerprints on file with the Registry that are less than 3 years old;
(C)ย Theย covered financial institutionย information required in paragraphs (e)(1)(i) (to the extent theย covered financial institutionย has not previously met these requirements) and (e)(2)(i) of this section is submitted to the Registry; and
(D)ย The registration is maintained pursuant to paragraphs (b) and (e)(1)(ii) of this section, as of the date that the employee becomes subject to this part.
(ii)Rule for certain acquisitions, mergers, or reorganizations.ย When registered or licensedย mortgage loan originatorsย becomeย covered financial institutionย employees as a result of an acquisition, consolidation, merger, or reorganization, only the requirements of paragraphs (a)(4)(i)(A), (C), and (D) of this section must be met, and these requirements must be met within 60 days from the effective date of the acquisition, merger, or reorganization.
(b)Maintaining registration.
(1)ย Aย mortgage loan originatorย who is registered with the Registry pursuant toย paragraph (a)ย of this section must:
(i)ย Except as provided inย paragraph (b)(3)ย of this section, renew the registration during the annual renewal period, confirming the responses set forth in paragraphs (d)(1)(i) through (viii) of this section remain accurate and complete, and updating this information, as appropriate; and
(ii)ย Update the registration within 30 days of any of the following events:
(A)ย A change in the name of the registrant;
(B)ย The registrant ceases to be an employee of theย covered financial institution; or
(C)ย The information required under paragraphs (d)(1)(iii) through (viii) of this section becomes inaccurate, incomplete, or out-of-date.
(2)ย Aย registered mortgage loan originatorย must maintain his or her registration, unless the individual is no longer engaged in the activity of aย mortgage loan originator.
(3)ย The annual registration renewal requirement set forth inย paragraph (b)(1)ย of this section does not apply to aย registered mortgage loan originatorย who has completed his or her registration with the Registry pursuant toย paragraph (a)(1)ย of this section less than 6 months prior to the end of theย annual renewal period.
(c)Effective datesย -
(1)Registration.ย A registration pursuant toย paragraph (a)(1)ย of this section is effective on the date the Registry transmits notification to the registrant that the registrant is registered.
(2)Renewals or updates.ย A renewal or update pursuant toย paragraph (b)ย of this section is effective on the date the Registry transmits notification to the registrant that the registration has been renewed or updated.
(d)Required employee informationย -
(1)In general.ย For purposes of the registration required by this section, aย covered financial institutionย must require each employee who is aย mortgage loan originatorย to submit to the Registry, or must submit on behalf of the employee, the following categories of information, to the extent this information is collected by the Registry:
(i)ย Identifying information, including the employee's:
(A)ย Name and any other names used;
(B)ย Home address and contact information;
(C)ย Principal business location address and business contact information;
(D)ย Social security number;
(E)ย Gender; and
(F)ย Date and place of birth;
(ii)ย Financial services-related employment history for the 10 years prior to the date of registration or renewal, including the date the employee became an employee of theย covered financial institution;
(iii)ย Convictions of any criminal offense involving dishonesty, breach of trust, or money laundering against the employee or organizations controlled by the employee, or agreements to enter into a pretrial diversion or similar program in connection with the prosecution for such offense(s);
(iv)ย Civil judicial actions against the employee in connection with financial services-related activities, dismissals with settlements, or judicial findings that the employee violated financial services-related statutes or regulations, except for actions dismissed without a settlement agreement;
(v)ย Actions or orders by a state or Federal regulatory agency or foreign financial regulatory authority that:
(A)ย Found the employee to have made a false statement or omission or been dishonest, unfair or unethical; to have been involved in a violation of a financial services-related regulation or statute; or to have been a cause of a financial services-related business having its authorization to do business denied, suspended, revoked, or restricted;
(B)ย Are entered against the employee in connection with a financial services-related activity;
(C)ย Denied, suspended, or revoked the employee's registration or license to engage in a financial services-related activity; disciplined the employee or otherwise by order prevented the employee from associating with a financial services-related business or restricted the employee's activities; or
(D)ย Barred the employee from association with an entity or its officers regulated by the agency or authority or from engaging in a financial services-related business;
(vi)ย Final orders issued by a state or Federal regulatory agency or foreign financial regulatory authority based on violations of any law or regulation that prohibits fraudulent, manipulative, or deceptive conduct;
(vii)ย Revocation or suspension of the employee's authorization to act as an attorney, accountant, or state or Federal contractor;
(viii)ย Customer-initiated financial services-related arbitration or civil action against the employee that required action, including settlements, or which resulted in a judgment; and
(ix)ย Fingerprints of the employee, in digital form if practicable, and any appropriate identifying information for submission to the Federalย Bureauย of Investigation and any governmental agency or entity authorized to receive such information in connection with a state and national criminal history background check; however, fingerprints provided to the Registry that are less than 3 years old may be used to satisfy this requirement.
(2)Employee authorizations and attestation.ย An employee registering as aย mortgage loan originatorย or renewing or updating his or her registration under this part, and not the employing covered financial institutionย or other employees of theย covered financial institution, must:
(i)ย Authorize the Registry and the employing institution to obtain information related to sanctions or findings in any administrative, civil, or criminal action, to which the employee is a party, made by any governmental jurisdiction;
(ii)ย Attest to the correctness of all information required byย paragraph (d)ย of this section, whether submitted by the employee or on behalf of the employee by the employingย covered financial institution; and
(iii)ย Authorize the Registry to make available to the public information required by paragraphs (d)(1)(i)(A) and (C), and (d)(1)(ii) through (viii) of this section.
(3)Submission of information.ย Aย covered financial institutionย may identify one or more employees of theย covered financial institutionย who may submit the information required by paragraph (d)(1)ย of this section to the Registry on behalf of theย covered financial institution's employees provided that this individual, and any employee delegated such authority, does not act as aย mortgage loan originator, consistent withย paragraph (e)(1)(i)(F)ย of this section. In addition, aย covered financial institutionย may submit to the Registry some or all of the information required by paragraphs (d)(1) and (e)(2) of this section for multiple employees in bulk through batch processing in a format to be specified by the Registry, to the extent such batch processing is made available by the Registry.
(e)Required covered financial institution information.ย Aย covered financial institutionย must submit the following categories of information to the Registry:
(1)Covered financial institution record.
(i)ย In connection with the registration of one or more mortgage loan originators:
(A)ย Name, main office address, and business contact information;
(B)ย Internal Revenue Service Employer Tax Identification Number (EIN);
(C)ย Research Statistics Supervision and Discount (RSSD) number, as issued by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System;
(D)ย Identification of its primary Federal regulator;
(E)ย Name(s) and contact information of the individual(s) with authority to act as the covered financial institution's primary point of contact for the Registry;
(F)ย Name(s) and contact information of the individual(s) with authority to enter the information required by paragraphs (d)(1) and (e) of this section to the Registry and who may delegate this authority to other individuals. For the purpose of providing information required byย paragraph (e)ย of this section, this individual and their delegates must not act as mortgage loan originatorsย unless theย covered financial institutionย has 10 or fewer full time or equivalent employees and is not a subsidiary; and
(G)ย If a subsidiary of a national bank, member bank, savings association, or insured state nonmember bank, indication that it is a subsidiary and the RSSD number of the parent institution; if an operating subsidiary of an agricultural credit association, indication that it is a subsidiary, and the RSSD number of the parent agricultural credit association.
(ii)Attestation.ย The individual(s) identified in paragraphs (e)(1)(i)(E) and (F) of this section must comply with Registry protocols to verify their identity and must attest that they have the authority to enter data on behalf of theย covered financial institution, that the information provided to the Registry pursuant to this paragraph (e) is correct, and that theย covered financial institutionย will keep the information required by this paragraph (e) current and will file accurate supplementary information on a timely basis.
(iii)ย Aย covered financial institutionย must update the information required by thisย paragraph (e)of this section within 30 days of the date that this information becomes inaccurate.
(iv)ย Aย covered financial institutionย must renew the information required byย paragraph (e)ย of this section on an annual basis.
(2)Employee information.ย In connection with the registration of each employee who acts as a mortgage loan originator:
(i)ย After the information required byย paragraph (d)ย of this section has been submitted to the Registry, confirmation that it employs the registrant; and
(ii)ย Within 30 days of the date the registrant ceases to be an employee of theย covered financial institution, notification that it no longer employs the registrant and the date the registrant ceased being an employee.