12 U.S. Code ยง 1701x - Assistance with respect to housing for low- and moderate-income families

ยฉ Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR)

(a)Authorization to provide information, advice, and technical assistance; scope of assistance; authorization of appropriations

(1)Theย Secretaryย is authorized to provide, or contract with public or private organizations to provide, information, advice, and technical assistance, including but not limited toโ€”


the assembly, correlation, publication, and dissemination of information with respect to theย construction,ย rehabilitation, and operation of low- and moderate-income housing;


the provision of advice and technical assistance to public bodies or to nonprofit or cooperative organizations with respect to theย construction,ย rehabilitation, and operation of low- and moderate-income housing, including assistance with respect to self-help and mutual self-help programs;


counseling and advice to tenants andย homeownersย with respect to property maintenance, financial management, and such other matters as may be appropriate to assist them in improving their housing conditions and in meeting the responsibilities of tenancy or homeownership; and


the provision of technical assistance to communities, particularly smaller communities, to assist such communities in planning, developing, and administering Community Development Programs pursuant to title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 [42 U.S.C. 5301ย et seq.].


Theย Secretaryย (A) shall provide the services described in clause (iii) of paragraph (1) forย homeownersย assisted under section 235 of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1715z]; (B) shall, in consultation with the Secretary of Agriculture, provide such services for borrowers who are first-time homebuyers with guaranteed loans under section 502(h) of the Housing Act of 1949 [42 U.S.C. 1472(h)]; and (C) may provide such services for other owners of single family dwelling units insured under title II of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1707ย et seq.] or guaranteed or insured underย chapter 37 of title 38. For purposes of this paragraph and clause (iii) of paragraph (1), the Secretary may provide the services described in such clause directly or may enter into contracts with, make grants to, and provide other types of assistance to private or public organizations with special competence and knowledge in counseling low- and moderate-income families to provide such services.


There is authorized to be appropriated for the purposes ofย this subsection, without fiscal year limitation, such sums as may be necessary; except that for such purposes there are authorized to be appropriated $6,025,000 for fiscal year 1993 and $6,278,050 for fiscal year 1994. Of the amounts appropriated for each of fiscal years 1993 and 1994, up to $500,000 shall be available for use for counseling and other activities in connection with the demonstration program under section 152 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1992. Any amounts so appropriated shall remain available until expended.

(4)Homeownership and Rental Counseling Assistance.โ€”

(A)In general.โ€”

Theย Secretaryย shall make financial assistance available under this paragraph to HUD-approved housing counseling agencies andย Stateย housing finance agencies.

(B)Qualified entities.โ€”

Theย Secretaryย shall establish standards and guidelines for eligibility of organizations (including governmental andย nonprofit organizations) to receive assistance under this paragraph, in accordance with subparagraph (D).


Assistance made available under this paragraph shall be distributed in a manner that encourages efficient and successful counseling programs and that ensures adequate distribution of amounts forย rural areasย having traditionally low levels of access to such counseling services, including areas with insufficient access to the Internet. In distributing such assistance, the Secretary may give priority consideration to entities serving areas with the highest home foreclosure rates.

(D)Limitation on distribution of assistance.โ€”

(i)In general.โ€”None of the amounts made available under this paragraph shall be distributed toโ€”


any organization which has been convicted for a violation underย Federalย law relating to an election forย Federalย office; or


any organization which employsย applicable individuals.

(ii)Definition of applicable individuals.โ€”In this subparagraph, the term โ€œapplicable individualโ€ means an individual whoโ€”



employed by the organization in a permanent or temporary capacity;


contracted or retained by the organization; or


acting on behalf of, or with the express or apparent authority of, the organization; and


has been convicted for a violation underย Federalย law relating to an election forย Federalย office.

(E)Grantmaking process.โ€”

In making assistance available under this paragraph, theย Secretaryย shall consider appropriate ways of streamlining and improving the processes for grant application, review, approval, and award.

(F)Authorization of appropriations.โ€”There are authorized to be appropriated $45,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2009 through 2012 forโ€”


the operations of theย Officeย of Housing Counseling of the Department of Housing and Urban Development;


the responsibilities of theย Directorย of Housing Counseling under paragraphs (2) through (5) of subsection (g); and


assistance pursuant to this paragraph for entities providing homeownership and rental counseling.

(b)Loans to nonprofit organizations or public housing agencies; purpose and terms; repayment; authorization of appropriations; deposit of appropriations in Low and Moderate Income Sponsor Fund


Theย Secretaryย is authorized to make loans toย nonprofit organizationsย or public housing agencies for the necessary expenses, prior to construction, in planning, and obtaining financing for, the rehabilitation or construction of housing for low or moderate income families under section 235 of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1715z] or any other federally assisted program. Such loans shall be made without interest and shall not exceed 80 per centum of the reasonable costs expected to be incurred in planning, and in obtaining financing for, such housing prior to the availability of financing, including, but not limited to, preliminary surveys and analyses of market needs, preliminary site engineering and architectural fees, site acquisition, application and mortgage commitment fees, and construction loan fees and discounts. The Secretary shall require repayment of loans made under this subsection, under such terms and conditions as he may require, upon completion of the project or sooner, and may cancel any part or all of a loan if he determines that it cannot be recovered from the proceeds of any permanent loan made to finance the rehabilitation or construction of the housing.


Theย Secretaryย shall determine prior to the making of any loan that theย nonprofit organizationย or public housing agency meets such requirements with respect to financial responsibility and stability as he may prescribe.


There are authorized to be appropriated for the purposes ofย this subsectionย not to exceed $7,500,000 for the fiscal year endingย June 30, 1969, and not to exceed $10,000,000 for the fiscal year endingย June 30, 1970. Any amounts so appropriated shall remain available until expended, and any amounts authorized for any fiscal year under this paragraph but not appropriated may be appropriated for any succeeding fiscal year.


Allย fundsย appropriated for the purposes of this subsection shall be deposited in aย fundย which shall be known as the Low and Moderate Income Sponsorย Fund, and which shall be available without fiscal year limitation and be administered by the Secretary as a revolvingย fundย for carrying out the purposes of this subsection. Sums received in repayment of loans made under this subsection shall be deposited in suchย fund.

(c)Grants for homeownership counseling organizations

(1)In generalTheย Secretaryย of Housing and Urban Development may make grantsโ€”


toย nonprofit organizationsย experienced in the provision of homeownership counseling to enable the organizations to provide homeownership counseling to eligible homeowners; and


to assist in the establishment of nonprofit homeownership counseling organizations.

(2)Program requirements


Applications for grants underย this subsectionย shall be submitted in the form, and in accordance with the procedures, that the Secretary requires.


The homeownership counseling organizations receiving assistance underย this subsectionshall use the assistance only to provide homeownership counseling toย eligible homeowners.

(C)The homeownership counseling provided by homeownership counseling organizations receiving assistance underย this subsectionย shall include counseling with respect toโ€”


financial management;


available community resources, including public assistance programs,ย mortgageassistance programs, home repair assistance programs, utility assistance programs, food programs, and social services; and


employment training and placement.

(3)Availability of homeownership counselingTheย Secretaryย shall take any action that is necessaryโ€”

(A)to ensure the availability throughout the Unitedย Statesย of homeownership counseling from homeownership counseling organizations receiving assistance under this subsection, with priority to areas thatโ€”


are experiencing high rates ofย homeย foreclosure and any other indicators ofย homeownerย distress determined by the Secretary to be appropriate;


are not already adequately served by homeownership counseling organizations; and


have a high incidence ofย mortgagesย involving principal obligations (including such initial service charges, appraisal, inspection, and other fees as the Secretary shall approve) in excess of 97 percent of the appraised value of the properties that are insured pursuant to section 203 of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1709]; and


to inform the public of the availability of the homeownership counseling.

(4)Eligibility for counselingAย homeownerย shall be eligible for homeownership counseling underย this subsectionย ifโ€”


theย home loanย is secured by property that is the principal residence (as defined by theย Secretary) of theย homeowner;


theย home loanย is not assisted under title V of the Housing Act of 1949 [42 U.S.C. 1471ย et seq.]; and

(C)theย homeownerย is, or is expected to be, unable to make payments, correct a home loan delinquency within a reasonable time, or resume full home loan payments due to a reduction in the income of theย homeownerย because ofโ€”


an involuntary loss of, or reduction in, the employment of theย homeowner, the self-employment of theย homeowner, or income from the pursuit of the occupation of theย homeowner;


any similar loss or reduction experienced byย any personย who contributes to the income of the homeowner;


a significant reduction in the income of the household due to divorce or death; or

(iv)a significant increase in basic expenses of theย homeownerย or an immediateย family memberย of the homeowner (including the spouse, child, or parent for whom the homeowner provides substantial care or financial assistance) due toโ€”


an unexpected or significant increase in medical expenses;


a divorce;


unexpected and significant damage to theย property, the repair of which will not be covered by private or public insurance; or


a largeย property-tax increase; or


theย Secretaryย of Housing and Urban Development determines that the annual income of theย homeownerย is no greater than the annual income established by the Secretary as being of low- or moderate-income.

(5)Notification of availability of homeownership counseling

(A)Notification of availability of homeownership counseling


Except as provided in subparagraph (C), theย creditorย of a loan (or proposedย creditor) shall provide notice under clause (ii) to (I) anyย eligible homeownerย who fails to pay any amount by the date the amount is due under a home loan, and (II) any applicant for aย mortgagedescribed in paragraph (4).

(ii)ContentNotification under this subparagraph shallโ€”


notify theย homeownerย orย mortgageย applicant of the availability of any homeownership counseling offered by the creditor (or proposed creditor);


if provided to an eligibleย mortgageย applicant,ย stateย that completion of a counseling program is required for insurance pursuant to section 203 of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1709];


notify theย homeownerย orย mortgageย applicant of the availability of homeownership counseling provided byย nonprofit organizationsย approved by the Secretary and experienced in the provision of homeownership counseling, or provide the toll-free telephone number described in subparagraph (D)(i);


notify theย homeownerย by a statement or notice, written in plain English by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, in consultation with the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of the Treasury, explaining theย mortgageย and foreclosure rights of servicemembers, and the dependents of such servicemembers, under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.C. App.ย 501 et seq.) [nowย 50 U.S.C. 3901ย et seq.], including the toll-free military one source number to call if servicemembers, or the dependents of such servicemembers, require further assistance; and


notify the housing orย mortgageย applicant of the availability ofย mortgageย software systems provided pursuant to subsection (g)(3).

(B)Deadline for notificationThe notification required in subparagraph (A) shall be madeโ€”


in a manner approved by theย Secretary; and


before the expiration of the 45-day period beginning on the date on which the failure referred to in such subparagraph occurs.


Notification under subparagraph (A) shall not be required with respect to anyย loanย for which theย eligible homeownerย pays the amount overdue before the expiration of the 45-day period under subparagraph (B)(ii).

(D)Administration and complianceTheย Secretaryย shall, to the extent of amounts approved in appropriation Acts, enter into an agreement with an appropriate private entity under which the entity willโ€”

(i)operate a toll-free telephone number through which anyย eligible homeownerย can obtain a list ofย nonprofit organizations, which shall be updated annually, thatโ€”


are approved by theย Secretaryย and experienced in the provision of homeownership counseling; and


serve theย areaย in which theย residential propertyย of the homeowner is located;


monitor the compliance ofย creditorsย with the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B); and


report to theย Secretaryย not less than annually regarding the extent of compliance of creditors with the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B).


Theย Secretaryย shall submit a report to the Congress not less than annually regarding the extent of compliance of creditors with the requirements of subparagraphs (A) and (B) and the effectiveness of the entity monitoring such compliance. Theย Secretaryย shall also include in the report any recommendations for legislative action to increase the authority of theย Secretaryย to penalize creditors who do not comply with such requirements.

(6)DefinitionsFor purposes ofย this subsection:


The term โ€œcreditorโ€ means a person or entity that is servicing aย home loanย on behalf of itself or another person or entity.


The term โ€œeligible homeownerโ€ means a homeowner eligible for counseling under paragraph (4).


The term โ€œhome loanโ€ means a loan secured by aย mortgageย or lien on residential property.


The term โ€œhomeownerโ€ means a person who is obligated under a home loan.


The term โ€œresidential propertyโ€ means a 1-family residence, including a 1-family unit in a condominiumย project, a membership interest and occupancy agreement in a cooperative housingย project, and a manufactured home and the lot on which the home is situated.


Theย Secretaryย shall issue any regulations that are necessary to carry outย this subsection.

(8)Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated to carry outย this sectionย $7,000,000 for fiscal year 1993 and $7,294,000 for fiscal year 1994, of which amounts $1,000,000 shall be available in each such fiscal year to carry out paragraph (5)(D). Any amount appropriated underย this subsectionshall remain available until expended.

(d)Prepurchase and foreclosure-prevention counseling demonstration

(1)PurposesThe purpose ofย this subsectionย isโ€”


to reduceย defaultsย and foreclosures onย mortgageย loans insured under the Federal Housing Administration single familyย mortgageย insurance program;


to encourage responsible and prudent use of such federally insuredย home mortgages;


to assistย homeownersย with such federally insuredย mortgagesย to retain the homes they have purchased pursuant to suchย mortgages; and


to encourage the availability and expansion of housing opportunities in connection with such federally insuredย home mortgages.


Theย Secretaryย of Housing and Urban Development shall carry out a program to demonstrate the effectiveness of providing coordinated prepurchase counseling and foreclosure-prevention counseling toย first-time homebuyersย and homeowners in avoiding defaults and foreclosures onย mortgagesย insured under the Federal Housing Administration single family home mortgage insurance program.


Under the demonstration program underย this subsection, the Secretary shall make grants to qualifiedย nonprofit organizationsย under paragraph (4) to enable the organizations to provide prepurchase counseling services to eligible homebuyers and foreclosure-prevention counseling services to eligible homeowners, in counseling target areas.

(4)Qualified nonprofit organizations

Theย Secretaryย shall selectย nonprofit organizationsย to receive assistance under the demonstration program under this subsection based on the experience and ability of the organizations in providing homeownership counseling and their ability to provide community-based prepurchase and foreclosure-prevention counseling under paragraphs (5) and (6) in a counseling target area. To be eligible for selection under this paragraph, aย nonprofit organizationย shall submit an application containing a proposal for providing counseling services in the form and manner required by the Secretary.

(5)Prepurchase counseling

(A)Mandatory participationUnder the demonstration program, theย Secretaryย shall require anyย eligible homebuyerย who intends to purchase a home located in aย counseling target areaย and who has applied for (as determined by the Secretary) a qualifiedย mortgage(as such term is defined in paragraph (9)) on such home that involves a downpayment of less than 10 percent of the principal obligation of theย mortgage, to receive counseling prior to signing of a contract to purchase the home. The counseling shall include counseling with respect toโ€”


financial management and the responsibilities involved in homeownership;


fair housing laws and requirements;


the maximumย mortgageย amount that the homebuyer can afford; and


options, programs, and actions available to the homebuyer in the event of actual or potential delinquency orย default.

(B)Eligibility for counselingA homebuyer shall be eligible for prepurchase counseling under this paragraph ifโ€”


the homebuyer has applied for a qualifiedย mortgage;


the homebuyer is aย first-time homebuyer; and


theย homeย to be purchased under the qualifiedย mortgageย is located in a counseling target area.

(6)Foreclosure-prevention counseling


Under the demonstration program, theย Secretaryย shall make counseling available forย eligible homeownersย who are 60 or more days delinquent with respect to a payment under a qualifiedย mortgageย on a home located within a counseling target area. The counseling shall include counseling with respect to options, programs, and actions available to the homeowner for resolving the delinquency or default.

(B)Notification of delinquencyUnder the demonstration program, theย Secretaryย shall require the creditor of anyย eligible homeownerย who is delinquent (as described in subparagraph (A)) to send written notice by registered or certified mail within 5 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and legal public holidays) after the occurrence of such delinquencyโ€”


notifying theย homeownerย of the delinquency and the name, address, and phone number of the counseling organization for theย counseling target area; and


notifying any counseling organization for theย counseling target areaย of the delinquency and the name, address, and phone number of the delinquent homeowner.

(C)Coordination with emergency homeownership counseling program

Theย Secretaryย may coordinate the provision of assistance under subsection (c) with the demonstration program underย this subsection.

(D)Eligibility for counselingAย homeownerย shall be eligible for foreclosure-prevention counseling under this paragraph ifโ€”


theย homeย owned by theย homeownerย is subject to a qualifiedย mortgage; and


suchย homeย is located in aย counseling target area.

(7)Scope of demonstration program

(A)Designation of counseling target areas

Theย Secretaryย shall designate 3ย counseling target areasย (as provided in subparagraph (B)), which shall be located in not less than 2 separate metropolitan areas. The Secretary shall provide for counseling under the demonstration program under this subsection with respect to only suchย counseling target areas.

(B)Counseling target areasEachย counseling target areaย shall consist of a group of contiguous census tractsโ€”


the population of which is greater than 50,000;


which together constitute an identifiable neighborhood,ย area, borough, district, or region within aย metropolitan areaย (except that this clause may not be construed to exclude a group of census tracts containing areas not wholly contained within a single town, city, or other political subdivision of aย State);


in which the average age of existing housing is greater than 20 years; and


for which (I) the percentage of qualifiedย mortgagesย on homes within the area that are foreclosed exceeds 5 percent for the calendar year preceding the year in which the area is selected as a counseling target area, or (II) the number of qualifiedย mortgagesoriginated on homes in such area in the calendar year preceding the calendar year in which the area is selected as a counseling target area exceeds 20 percent of the total number ofย mortgagesย originated on residences in the area during such year.

(C)Mortgage characteristics

In designatingย counseling target areasย under subparagraph (A), the Secretary shall designate at least 1 such area that meets the requirements of subparagraph (B)(iv)(I) and at least 1 such area that meets the requirements of subparagraph (B)(iv)(II).

(D)Expansion of target areas

Theย Secretaryย may expand anyย counseling target areaย during the term of the demonstration program, if the Secretary determines that counseling can be adequately provided within such expanded area and the purposes of this subsection will be furthered by such expansion. Any such expansion shall include only groups of census tracts that are contiguous to theย counseling target areaย expanded and such census tract groups shall not be subject to the provisions of subparagraph (B).

(E)Designation of control areas

For purposes of determining the effectiveness of counseling under the demonstration program, theย Secretaryย shall designate 3ย control areas, each of which shall correspond to 1 of theย counseling target areasย designated under subparagraph (A). Each control area shall be located in the metropolitan area in which the correspondingย counseling target areaย is located, shall meet the requirements of subparagraph (B), and shall be similar to such area with respect to size, age of housing stock, median income, and racial makeup of the population. Each control area shall also comply with the requirements of subclause (I) or (II) of subparagraph (B)(iv), according to the subclause with which the correspondingย counseling target areaย complies.


Each organization providing counseling under the demonstration program underย this subsectionshall maintain records with respect to eachย eligible homebuyerย andย eligible homeownercounseled and shall provide information with respect to such counseling as the Secretary or the Comptroller General may require.

(9)DefinitionsFor purposes ofย this subsection:


The term โ€œcontrol areaโ€ means an area designated by the Secretary under paragraph (7)(E).


The term โ€œcounseling target areaโ€ means an area designated by the Secretary under paragraph (7)(A).


The term โ€œcreditorโ€ means a person or entity that is servicing a loan secured by a qualifiedย mortgageย on behalf of itself or another person or entity.

(D)The term โ€œdisplaced homemakerโ€ means an individual whoโ€”


is an adult;


has not worked full-time, full-year in the labor force for a number of years, but has during such years, worked primarily without remuneration to care for theย homeย andย family; and


is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment.


The term โ€œdownpaymentโ€ means the amount of purchase price of home required to be paid at or before the time of purchase.


The term โ€œeligible homebuyerโ€ means a homebuyer that meets the requirements under paragraph (5)(B).


The term โ€œeligible homeownerโ€ means a homeowner that meets the requirements under paragraph (6)(D).

(H)The term โ€œfirst-time homebuyerโ€ means an individual whoโ€”


(and whose spouse) has had no ownership in a principal residence during the 3-year period ending on the date of purchase of theย homeย pursuant to which counseling is provided underย this subsection;


is aย displaced homemakerย who, except for owning a residence with his or her spouse or residing in a residence owned by the spouse, meets the requirements of clause (i); or


is aย single parentย who, except for owning a residence with his or her spouse or residing in a residence owned by the spouse while married, meets the requirements of clause (i).


The term โ€œhomeโ€ includes any dwelling or dwelling unit eligible for a qualifiedย mortgage, and includes a unit in a condominium project, a membership interest and occupancy agreement in a cooperative housing project, and a manufactured home and the lot on which the home is situated.


The term โ€œmetropolitan areaโ€ means a standard metropolitan statistical area as designated by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget.


The term โ€œqualifiedย mortgageโ€ means aย mortgageย on a 1- to 4-family home that is insured under title II of the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1707ย et seq.].


The term โ€œSecretaryโ€ means theย Secretaryย of Housing and Urban Development.

(M)The term โ€œsingle parentโ€ means an individual whoโ€”


is unmarried or legally separated from a spouse; and



has 1 or more minor children for whom the individual has custody or joint custody; or


is pregnant.


Theย Secretaryย may issue any regulations necessary to carry outย this subsection.

(11)Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated to carry outย this subsectionย $365,000 for fiscal year 1993 and $380,330 for fiscal year 1994.


The demonstration program underย this subsectionย shall terminate at the end of fiscal year 1994.


(1)Requirement for assistance

An organization may not receive assistance for counseling activities under subsection (a)(1)(iii), (a)(2), (a)(4), (c), or (d) ofย this section, or underย section 1701w of this title, unless the organization, or the individuals through which the organization provides such counseling, has been certified by the Secretary under this subsection as competent to provide such counseling.

(2)Standards and examinationTheย Secretaryย shall, by regulation, establish standards and procedures for testing and certifying counselors and for certifying organizations. Such standards and procedures shall require, for certification of an organization, that each individual through which the organization provides counseling shall demonstrate, and, for certification of an individual, that the individual shall demonstrate, by written examination (as provided under subsection (f)(4)), competence to provide counseling in each of the following areas:


Financial management.


Propertyย maintenance.


Responsibilities of homeownership and tenancy.


Fair housing laws and requirements.


Housing affordability.


Avoidance of, and responses to, rental andย mortgageย delinquency and avoidance of eviction andย mortgageย default.

(3)Requirement under HUD programs

Any homeownership counseling orย rental housing counselingย (as such terms are defined in subsection (g)(1)) required under, or provided in connection with, any program administered by the Department of Housing and Urban Development shall be provided only by organizations or counselors certified by the Secretary under this subsection as competent to provide such counseling.


Theย Secretaryย shall take such actions as theย Secretaryย considers appropriate to ensure that individuals and organizations providing homeownership orย rental housing counselingย are aware of the certification requirements and standards of this subsection and of the training and certification programs under subsection (f).


Theย Secretaryย shall encourage organizations engaged in providing homeownership and rental counseling that do not receive assistance underย this sectionย to employ organizations and individuals to provide such counseling who are certified underย this subsectionย or meet the certification standards established underย this subsection.

(f)Homeownership and rental counselor training and certification programs


To the extent amounts are provided in appropriations Acts under paragraph (7), theย Secretaryshall contract with an appropriate entity (which may be aย nonprofit organization) to carry out a program under this subsection to train individuals to provide homeownership and rental counseling and to administer the examination under subsection (e)(2) and certify individuals under such subsection.

(2)Eligibility and selection


To be eligible to provide the training and certification program underย this subsection, an entity shall have demonstrated experience in training homeownership and rental counselors.

(B)SelectionTheย Secretaryย shall provide for entities meeting the requirements of subparagraph (A) to submit applications to provide the training and certification program underย this subsection. The Secretary shall select an application based on the ability of the entity toโ€”


establish the program as soon as possible on a national basis, but not later than the date under paragraph (6);


minimize the costs involved in establishing the program; and


effectively and efficiently carry out the program.


Theย Secretaryย shall require that training of counselors under the program underย this subsectionbe designed and coordinated to prepare individuals for successful completion of the examination for certification under subsection (e)(2). The Secretary, in consultation with the entity selected under paragraph (2)(B), shall establish the curriculum and standards for training counselors under the program.


The entity selected under paragraph (2)(B) shall administer the examination under subsection (e)(2) and, on behalf of theย Secretary, certify individuals successfully completing the examination. Theย Secretary, in consultation with such entity, shall establish the content and format of the examination.


Subject to the approval of theย Secretary, the entity selected under paragraph (2)(B) may establish and impose reasonable fees for participation in the training provided under the program and for examination and certification under subsection (e)(2), in an amount sufficient to cover any costs of such activities not covered with amounts provided under paragraph (7).


The entity selected under paragraph (2)(B) to carry out the training and certification program shall establish the program as soon as possible after such selection, and shall make training and certification available under the program on a national basis not later than the expiration of the 1-year period beginning upon such selection.

(7)Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated to carry outย this subsectionย $2,000,000 for fiscal year 1993 and $2,084,000 for 1994.

(g)Procedures and activities

(1)Counseling procedures

(A)In general

Theย Secretaryย shall establish, coordinate, and monitor the administration by the Department of Housing and Urban Development of the counseling procedures for homeownership counseling andย rental housing counselingย provided in connection with any program of the Department, including all requirements, standards, and performance measures that relate to homeownership andย rental housing counseling.

(B)Homeownership counselingFor purposes ofย this subsectionย and as used in the provisions referred to in this subparagraph, the term โ€œhomeownership counselingโ€ means counseling related to homeownership and residential mortgage loans. Such term includes counseling related to homeownership and residential mortgage loans that is provided pursuant toโ€”


section 105(a)(20) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(20));

(ii)in the Unitedย Statesย Housing Act of 1937 [42 U.S.C. 1437ย et seq.]โ€”


section 9(e) (42 U.S.C. 1437g(e));


section 8(y)(1)(D) (42 U.S.C. 1437f(y)(1)(D));


section 18(a)(4)(D) (42 U.S.C. 1437p(a)(4)(D));


section 23(c)(4)ย (42 U.S.C. 1437u(c)(4));


section 32(e)(4)ย (42 U.S.C. 1437zโ€“4(e)(4));


section 33(d)(2)(B)ย (42 U.S.C. 1437zโ€“5(d)(2)(B));


sectionsย 302(b)(6)ย andย 303(b)(7)ย (42 U.S.C. 1437aaaโ€“1(b)(6), 1437aaaโ€“2(b)(7)); and


section 304(c)(4)ย (42 U.S.C. 1437aaaโ€“3(c)(4));


section 302(a)(4) of the American Homeownership and Economic Opportunity Act of 2000 (42 U.S.C. 1437fย note);


sectionsย 12773(b)(2)ย andย 12808(b)ย of titleย 42;


this sectionย andย section 1701w of this title;


section 4110(d)(2)(G) of this title;


sectionsย 12872(b)(6),ย 12873(b)(7),ย 12874(c)(4),ย 12892(b)(6), andย 12893(b)(6)ย of titleย 42;


section 11408(b)(1)(F)(iii)โ€ฏ[1]ย of title 42;


sections 202(3)โ€ฏ1ย and 810(b)(2)(A)โ€ฏ1ย of the Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4132(3), 4229(b)(2)(A));

(x)in the National Housing Act [12 U.S.C. 1701ย et seq.]โ€”


inย section 203ย (12 U.S.C. 1709), the penultimate undesignated paragraph of paragraph (2) of subsection (b), subsection (c)(2)(A), and subsection (r)(4);


subsections (a) and (c)(3) of section 237;โ€ฏ1ย and


subsections (d)(2)(B) and (m)(1) of section 255 (12 U.S.C. 1715zโ€“20);


section 502(h)(4)(B) of the Housing Act of 1949 (42 U.S.C. 1472(h)(4)(B));


section 1701zโ€“7 of this title; and


section 1701zโ€“16 of this title.

(C)Rental housing counselingFor purposes ofย this subsection, the term โ€œrental housing counselingโ€ means counseling related to rental of residential property, which may include counseling regarding future homeownership opportunities and providing referrals for renters and prospective renters to entities providing counseling and shall include counseling related to such topics that is provided pursuant toโ€”


section 105(a)(20) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (42 U.S.C. 5305(a)(20));

(ii)in the Unitedย Statesย Housing Act of 1937โ€”


section 9(e) (42 U.S.C. 1437g(e));


section 18(a)(4)(D) (42 U.S.C. 1437p(a)(4)(D));


section 23(c)(4)ย (42 U.S.C. 1437u(c)(4));


section 32(e)(4)ย (42 U.S.C. 1437zโ€“4(e)(4));


section 33(d)(2)(B)ย (42 U.S.C. 1437zโ€“5(d)(2)(B)); and


section 302(b)(6)ย (42 U.S.C. 1437aaaโ€“1(b)(6));


section 12773(b)(2) of title 42;


this section;


section 12872(b)(6) of title 42;


section 11408(b)(1)(F)(iii)โ€ฏ1ย of title 42;


sections 202(3)โ€ฏ1ย and 810(b)(2)(A)โ€ฏ1ย of the Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4132(3), 4229(b)(2)(A)); and


the rental assistance program under section 8 of the Unitedย Statesย Housing Act of 1937 (42 U.S.C. 1437f).

(2)Standards for materials

Theย Secretary, in consultation with the advisory committee established under subsection (g)(4)โ€ฏ1of the Department of Housing and Urban Development Act, shall establish standards for materials and forms to be used, as appropriate, by organizations providing homeownership counseling services, including any recipients of assistance pursuant to subsection (a)(4).

(3)Mortgage software systems

(A)CertificationTheย Secretaryย shall provide for the certification of various computer software programs for consumers to use in evaluating different residentialย mortgageย loan proposals. The Secretary shall require, for such certification, that theย mortgageย software systems take into accountโ€”


theย consumerโ€™s financial situation and the cost of maintaining a home, including insurance, taxes, and utilities;


the amount of time theย consumerย expects to remain in the home or expected time to maturity of the loan; and


such other factors as theย Secretaryย considers appropriate to assist the consumer in evaluating whether to pay points, to lock in an interest rate, to select an adjustable or fixed rate loan, to select a conventional or government-insured or guaranteed loan and to make other choices during the loan application process.

If theย Secretaryย determines that available existing software is inadequate to assist consumers during the residentialย mortgageย loan application process, the Secretary shall arrange for the development by private sector software companies of newย mortgagesoftware systems that meet the Secretaryโ€™s specifications.

(B)Use and initial availability

Such certified computer software programs shall be used to supplement, not replace, housing counseling. Theย Secretaryย shall provide that such programs are initially used only in connection with the assistance of housing counselors certified pursuant to subsection (e).


After a period of initial availability under subparagraph (B) as theย Secretaryย considers appropriate, theย Secretaryย shall take reasonable steps to makeย mortgageย software systems certified pursuant to this paragraph widely available through the Internet and at public locations, including public libraries, senior-citizen centers, public housing sites, offices of public housing agencies that administer rental housing assistance vouchers, and housing counseling centers.

(D)Budget compliance

This paragraph shall be effective only to the extent that amounts to carry out this paragraph are made available in advance in appropriations Acts.

(4)National public service multimedia campaigns to promote housing counseling

(A)In general

Theย Directorย of Housing Counseling shall develop, implement, and conduct national public service multimedia campaigns designed to make persons facingย mortgageย foreclosure, persons considering a subprimeย mortgageย loan to purchase a home, elderly persons, persons who face language barriers, low-income persons, minorities, and other potentially vulnerable consumers aware that it is advisable, before seeking or maintaining a residentialย mortgageloan, to obtain homeownership counseling from an unbiased and reliable sourcesโ€ฏ[2]ย and that such homeownership counseling is available, including through programs sponsored by theย Secretaryย of Housing and Urban Development.

(B)Contact information

Each segment of the multimedia campaign under subparagraph (A) shall publicize the toll-free telephone number and website of the Department of Housing and Urban Development through whichย personsย seeking housing counseling can locate a housing counseling agency in theirย Stateย that is certified by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development and can provide advice on buying a home, renting, defaults, foreclosures, credit issues, and reverse mortgages.

(C)Authorization of appropriations

There are authorized to be appropriated to theย Secretary, not to exceed $3,000,000 for fiscal years 2009, 2010, and 2011, for the development, implementation, and conduct of national public service multimedia campaigns under this paragraph.

(D)Foreclosure rescue education programs

(i)In generalTen percent of anyย fundsย appropriated pursuant to the authorization under subparagraph (C) shall be used by the Director of Housing Counseling to conduct an education program in areas that have a high density of foreclosure. Such program shall involve direct mailings to persons living in such areas describingโ€”


tips on avoiding foreclosure rescue scams;


tips on avoiding predatory lendingย mortgageย agreements;


tips on avoiding for-profit foreclosure counseling services; and


local counseling resources that are approved by the Department of Housing and Urban Development.

(ii)Program emphasis

In conducting the education program described under clause (i), theย Directorย of Housing Counseling shall also place an emphasis on serving communities that have a high percentage of retirement communities or a high percentage of low-income minority communities.

(iii)Terms definedFor purposes of this subparagraph:

(I)High density of foreclosures

Anย areaย has a โ€œhigh density of foreclosuresโ€ if such area is one of the metropolitan statistical areas (as that term is defined by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget) with the highest home foreclosure rates.

(II)High percentage of retirement communities

Anย areaย has a โ€œhigh percentage of retirement communitiesโ€ if such area is one of the metropolitan statistical areas (as that term is defined by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget) with the highest percentage of residents aged 65 or older.

(III)High percentage of low-income minority communities

Anย areaย has a โ€œhigh percentage of low-income minority communitiesโ€ if such area contains a higher-than-normal percentage of residents who are both minorities and low-income, as defined by the Director of Housing Counseling.

(5)Education programs

Theย Secretaryย shall provide advice and technical assistance toย States, units of general local government, andย nonprofit organizationsย regarding the establishment and operation of, including assistance with the development of content and materials for, educational programs to inform and educate consumers, particularly those most vulnerable with respect to residential mortgage loans (such as elderly persons, persons facing language barriers, low-income persons, minorities, and other potentially vulnerable consumers), regarding home mortgages, mortgage refinancing, home equity loans, home repair loans, and where appropriate by region, any requirements and costs associated with obtaining flood or other disaster-specific insurance coverage.

(h)DefinitionsFor purposes ofย this section:

(1)Nonprofit organization

The term โ€œnonprofit organizationโ€ has the meaning given such term inย section 12704(5) of title 42, except that subparagraph (D) of such section shall not apply for purposes of this section.


The term โ€œStateโ€ means each of the severalย States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Trust Territories of the Pacific, or any other possession of the Unitedย States.

(3)Unit of general local government

The term โ€œunit of general local governmentโ€ means any city, county, parish, town, township, borough, village, or other general purpose political subdivision of a State.

(4)HUD-approved counseling agencyThe term โ€œHUD-approved counseling agencyโ€ means a private or public nonprofit organization that isโ€”


exempt from taxation underย section 501(c) of title 26; and


certified by theย Secretaryย to provide housing counseling services.

(5)State housing finance agency

The term โ€œState housing finance agencyโ€ means any public body, agency, or instrumentality specifically created under State statute that is authorised to finance activities designed to provide housing and related facilities throughout an entire State through land acquisition, construction, or rehabilitation.

(i)Accountability for recipients of covered assistance

(1)Tracking of fundsTheย Secretaryย shallโ€”


develop and maintain a system to ensure that any organization or entity that receives anyย covered assistanceย uses all amounts ofย covered assistanceย in accordance with this section, the regulations issued under this section, and any requirements or conditions under which such amounts were provided; and

(B)require any organization or entity, as a condition of receipt of anyย covered assistance, to agree to comply with such requirements regardingย covered assistanceย as the Secretary shall establish, which shall includeโ€”


appropriate periodic financial and grant activity reporting, record retention, and audit requirements for the duration of theย covered assistanceย to the organization or entity to ensure compliance with the limitations and requirements of this section, the regulations under this section, and any requirements or conditions under which such amounts were provided; and


any other requirements that theย Secretaryย determines are necessary to ensure appropriate administration and compliance.

(2)Misuse of fundsIf any organization or entity that receives anyย covered assistanceย is determined by the Secretary to have used anyย covered assistanceย in a manner that is materially in violation of this section, the regulations issued under this section, or any requirements or conditions under which such assistance was providedโ€”


theย Secretaryย shall require that, within 12 months after the determination of such misuse, the organization or entity shall reimburse theย Secretaryย for such misused amounts and return to theย Secretaryย any such amounts that remain unused or uncommitted for use; and


such organization or entity shall be ineligible, at any time after such determination, to apply for or receive any furtherย covered assistance.

The remedies under this paragraph are in addition to any other remedies that may be available under law.

(3)Covered assistance

For purposes ofย this subsection, the term โ€œcovered assistanceโ€ means any grant or other financial assistance provided under this section.

(Pub. L. 90โ€“448, title I, ยงโ€ฏ106,ย Aug. 1, 1968,ย 82 Stat. 490;ย Pub. L. 91โ€“609, title IX, ยงโ€ฏ903(a), (b),ย Dec. 31, 1970,ย 84 Stat. 1808;ย Pub. L. 93โ€“383, title VIII, ยงโ€ฏ811,ย Aug. 22, 1974,ย 88 Stat. 735;ย Pub. L. 95โ€“128, title IX, ยงโ€ฏ903,ย Oct. 12, 1977,ย 91 Stat. 1149;ย Pub. L. 97โ€“35, title III, ยงโ€ฏ339A,ย Aug. 13, 1981,ย 95 Stat. 417;ย Pub. L. 98โ€“181, title Iย [title IV, ยงโ€ฏ465],ย Nov. 30, 1983,ย 97 Stat. 1236;ย Pub. L. 98โ€“479, title II, ยงโ€ฏ204(f),ย Oct. 17, 1984,ย 98 Stat. 2233;ย Pub. L. 100โ€“242, title I, ยงโ€ฏ169,ย Feb. 5, 1988,ย 101 Stat. 1865;ย Pub. L. 100โ€“628, title X, ยงโ€ฏ1009,ย Nov. 7, 1988,ย 102 Stat. 3266;ย Pub. L. 101โ€“137, ยงโ€ฏ8,ย Nov. 3, 1989,ย 103 Stat. 826;ย Pub. L. 101โ€“625, title V, ยงโ€ฏ577, title VII, ยงโ€ฏ706(c),ย Nov. 28, 1990,ย 104 Stat. 4238, 4286;ย Pub. L. 102โ€“550, title I, ยงโ€ฏ162(a)โ€“(d),ย Oct. 28, 1992,ย 106 Stat. 3719โ€“3721;ย Pub. L. 104โ€“316, title I, ยงโ€ฏ106(a),ย Oct. 19, 1996,ย 110 Stat. 3830;ย Pub. L. 105โ€“276, title V, ยงโ€ฏ594(a), (b),ย Oct. 21, 1998,ย 112 Stat. 2655;ย Pub. L. 107โ€“73, title II, ยงโ€ฏ205,ย Nov. 26, 2001,ย 115 Stat. 674;ย Pub. L. 109โ€“163, div. A, title VI, ยงโ€ฏ688(a),ย Jan. 6, 2006,ย 119 Stat. 3336;ย Pub. L. 110โ€“289, div. B, title I, ยงโ€ฏ2127,ย July 30, 2008,ย 122 Stat. 2841;ย Pub. L. 111โ€“203, title XIV, ยงยงโ€ฏ1443โ€“1445, 1448, 1449,ย July 21, 2010,ย 124 Stat. 2165โ€“2171, 2173, 2174.)

[1]ย โ€ฏSee References in Text note below.

[2]ย โ€ฏSo in original.