Puerto Rico Servicing Reference Guide

30 P.R. Laws Ann. §2708

Copy of the Brief

Once the initial brief is filed, the forecloser shall submit a copy of it certified by the Clerk of the Court to the Registry, requesting that a note be placed in the margin of the mortgage entry which is subject to the suit. This note shall serve as notification for all legal effects to third acquirers of the mortgaged property or right, or of any other right on the property.
Mortgage Law and Regulations / 30 P.R. Laws Ann. §2703

Demand For Payment

The demand for payment may be made by notary or by certified mail with acknowledgment of receipt, to the last correct address of the debtor, the third owner or his heirs. The demand must include an admonition that if payment is not made within 20 days, a summary foreclosure procedure will be initiated.
Mortgage Law and Regulations / 30 P.R. Laws Ann. §2719

Notice of Sale

When the 30 days allotted for the judicial demand for payment has expired, the Court, at the request of the forecloser, the debtor or the third owner, will order the marshal to auction the mortgaged properties. The auction must be advertised for at least 20 days in advance of the auction by inserting the edict in a newspaper of general circulation. The auction must be advertised at least once a week, for not less than 3 weeks, starting from the first publication.