Alaska Servicing Reference Guide

Alaska Servicing Reference Guide

Alaska Stat. §09.35.210

Certificate of Sale

The person conducting the sale shall give to the purchaser a certificate of the sale that indicates the date of the judgment under which the sale was made and contains

(1) a particular description of the real property sold;

(2) the price bid for each distinct lot or parcel;

(3) the whole price paid; and

(4) whether or not the property is subject to redemption.

Alaska R. Civ. Proc. Rule 3(a)

Commencement of Action - Judicial

(a) A civil action is commenced by filing a complaint with the court. The complaint, in order to be accepted for filing, must be accompanied by a completed case description on a form provided by the clerk of court. The complaint shall also be accompanied by an envelope addressed to the plaintiff with sufficient postage to mail the envelope and all summonses that will be issued in the case.
Alaska Stat. §09.45.200

Commencement of Action - Judicial

During or after the pendency of an action for the recovery of a debt secured by a lien mentioned in AS 09.45.170 , an action cannot be maintained for the foreclosure of the lien unless judgment is given in that action that the plaintiff recover the debt or a part of it, and an execution issued in the action against the property of the defendant is returned unsatisfied in whole or in part.
Secure and Fair Enforcement for Mortgage Licensing Act / Alaska Stat. §06.60.360(c)

Notice of Change of Licensee Address

If the billing address of a licensee who is holding money in escrow for insurance premiums changes, the licensee must notify the insurer in writing about the change of billing address within 30 days after the change, or 60 days before the renewal date of the insurance policy, whichever is later.
Real Property Laws / Alaska Stat. §34.20.070

Notice of Default

A trustee may record a Notice of Default at any time after the borrower has been in default for 30 days. A foreclosure sale may not be held until at least 3 months have elapsed from the time of recording. Within 10 days after recording the notice of default, the trustee must personally deliver or mail a copy of the notice by certified mail to the last known address. If the State of Alaska is a subsequent party, the trustee, in addition to the notice of default, must give the state a supplemental notice of any state lien existing as of the date of filing the notice of default. The the notice of default must contain the name of the trustor, the book and page where the trust deed is recorded, a description of the trust property, a statement and nature of the breach, the total amount owed, the election by he trustee to sell the property, and the date, time, and place of the sale.
Code of Civil Procedure / Alaska Stat. §09.35.140

Notice of Sale

Before the sale of property on execution, a notice of the sale particularly describing the property, including the property's street address if there is a street address for the property, must be given by: (1) posting a written or printed notice of the time and place of sale not less than 30 days before the day of the sale in 3 public places within 5 miles of the place where the sale is to be held one of the notices must be posted at the post office nearest to the place where the sale is to take place); and (2) publishing copy of the notice 4 times, once a week for 4 successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation published nearest to the place of sale (an inaccuracy in the street address may not be used to set aside a sale if the legal description is correct).
Alaska Stat. §34.20.080(d)

Post Sale Affidavits

(d) After the sale an affidavit of mailing the notice of default and an affidavit of publication of the notice of sale shall be recorded in the mortgage records of the recording district where the property is located.
Alaska Stat. §34.20.080(b)

Post Sale Deed

(b) Except as provided by (g) of this section, the trustee shall execute and deliver to the purchaser a deed to the property sold.
Legal Rate of Interest / Alaska Stat. §45.45.010(g)

Prepayment Penalty Prohibited

Loan contracts and commitments covering 1-to 4-family dwellings may be prepaid without penalty, except federally insured loans that require a prepayment penalty.
Alaska Stat. §34.20.070(d)

State Supplemental Notice

(d) If the State of Alaska is a subsequent party, the trustee, in addition to the notice of default, shall give the state a supplemental notice of any state lien existing as of the date of filing the notice of default. This notice must set out, with such particularity as reasonably available information will permit, the nature of the state's lien, including the name and address, if known, of the person whose liability created the lien, the amount shown on the lien document, the department of the state government involved, the recording district, and the book and page on which the lien was recorded or the serial number assigned to the lien by the recorder.