F-1-25: Reporting a Workout Option via Fannie Mae’s Servicing Solutions System (09/13/2017)

© Fannie Mae Single Family Servicing Guide

Reporting a Combination of a Forbearance Plan and Repayment Plan to Fannie Mae

The servicer must evaluate a borrower for a workout option in accordance with D2-3.1-01, Determining the Appropriate Workout Option.

When the servicer structures a combination of workout options in an agreement that includes forbearance and a repayment plan, it must report the workout option to Fannie Mae as follows:

  • use a forbearance plan code during the forbearance period (when monthly payments are reduced or suspended), and

  • use a repayment plan code during the repayment period (when regular monthly payments have resumed and additional payments are scheduled to be made to cure the delinquency).

Reporting a Non-Fannie Mae HAMP Mortgage Loan Modification to Fannie Mae

The servicer must evaluate a borrower for Fannie Mae’s mortgage loan modification options in accordance with Fannie Mae’s Servicing Guide.

The following table outlines the required servicer actions to report a Fannie Mae mortgage loan modification to Fannie Mae.

StepServicer Action

Submit a case into Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system by entering loan-level information, including:

  • a property valuation, and

  • the applicable campaign ID to identify the mortgage loan modification program under which the case is being submitted.


Report loan-level data in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system upon receipt of the borrower’s first Trial Period Plan payment and all subsequent Trial Period Plan payments under the Trial Period Plan.

If the borrower makes all required Trial Period Plan payments, continue to step 3. If not, cancel the case in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system and do not continue to step 3.


After application of all Trial Period Plan payments made by the borrower, the servicer must represent and warrant in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system that once the sum of payments totals a full contractual payment on the underlying mortgage loan, the borrower has been in a delinquent status (that is, not current in contractual payments) on each of the last four monthly payment due dates and continues to be delinquent.


After Fannie Mae’s prior written approval is obtained, if required, and the MBS mortgage loan is reclassified, if applicable, the servicer will update the Officer Signature Date in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system to close the mortgage loan modification.

Note: If the pre-modification UPB or the pre-modification LPI reported in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system for the closed mortgage loan modification does not agree with the pre-modification UPB or LPI in Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system, the mortgage loan modification will not be processed in Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system until the discrepancy is resolved.

Reporting a Fannie Mae HAMP Mortgage Loan Modification to Fannie Mae

The servicer must evaluate a borrower for a Fannie Mae HAMP modification in accordance with D2-3.2-06, Fannie Mae HAMP Modification.

The following table outlines the required servicer actions to report a Fannie Mae HAMP modification to Fannie Mae.

StepServicer Action

Submit a case into Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system once the servicer has received a complete BRP and determined that the borrower is eligible for a Fannie Mae HAMP modification by entering loan-level information.


Report loan-level data in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system upon receipt of the borrower’s first Trial Period Plan payment and all subsequent Trial Period Plan payments under the Trial Period Plan.

If the borrower makes all required Trial Period Plan payments, continue to step 3. If not, cancel the case in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system and do not continue to step 3.


After application of all Trial Period Plan payments made by the borrower, the servicer must represent and warrant in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system that once the sum of payments totals a full contractual payment on the underlying mortgage loan, the borrower has been in a delinquent status (that is, not current in contractual payments) on each of the last four monthly payment due dates and continues to be delinquent.


After Fannie Mae’s prior written approval is obtained, if required, and the MBS mortgage loan is reclassified, if applicable, the servicer will update the Officer Signature Date in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system to close the mortgage loan modification.

Reporting a 2MP Modification to Fannie Mae

The servicer must evaluate a borrower for a 2MP mortgage loan modification in accordance with D2-3.2-08, Fannie Mae 2MP Modification.

The following table outlines the required servicer actions to report a 2MP modification to Fannie Mae.

StepServicer Action

Submit a case into Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system once the servicer has received a complete BRP and determined that the borrower is eligible for a Fannie Mae HAMP modification by entering loan-level information.


Report loan-level data in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system upon receipt of the borrower’s first Trial Period Plan payment and all subsequent Trial Period Plan payments under the Trial Period Plan.

If the borrower makes all required Trial Period Plan payments, continue to step 3. If not, cancel the case in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system and do not continue to step 3.


After application of all Trial Period Plan payments made by the borrower, the servicer must represent and warrant in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system that once the sum of payments totals a full contractual payment on the underlying mortgage loan, the borrower has been in a delinquent status (that is, not current in contractual payments) on each of the last four monthly payment due dates and continues to be delinquent.


After Fannie Mae’s prior written approval is obtained, if required, and the MBS mortgage loan is reclassified, if applicable, the servicer will update the Officer Signature Date in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system to close the mortgage loan modification.

Reporting a Government Mortgage Loan Modification to Fannie Mae

For a government mortgage loan, the servicer must evaluate a borrower for and complete a mortgage loan modification in accordance with D2-3.2-05, Government Mortgage Loan Modifications.

The following table outlines the requirements to report a government mortgage loan modification to Fannie Mae.

StepServicer Action

Obtain a signed mortgage loan modification agreement from the borrower(s) and any co-makers or endorsers of the note.


Have its authorized representative sign the completed mortgage loan modification agreement to indicate the servicer’s approval of the mortgage loan modification or extension.


Submit the information pertaining to the mortgage loan modification as a case in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system, and upload the executed mortgage loan modification agreement.

Note: If Fannie Mae notifies the servicer of any discrepancies between the information entered into Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system and Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system, continue with steps 3 and 4.


Work with Fannie Mae to identify the proper corrective action required to resolve the issue(s).

If the servicer determines that…Then the servicer must...

the data entered into Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system was incorrect

  • cancel the case in Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system,

  • correct the date, and

  • resubmit a case via Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system.

the data reported through the LAR was inaccurate

submit a corrected LAR.


Notify Fannie Mae when it has completed the appropriate corrective action.

Note: Fannie Mae will then resolve the error in its investor reporting system. The servicer can confirm that the investor reporting system accurately applied the modified terms after the error is resolved.

Reporting a Mortgage Release to Fannie Mae

The servicer must evaluate a borrower and execute a Mortgage Release in accordance with D2-3.3-02, Fannie Mae Mortgage Release (Deed-in-Lieu of Foreclosure).

The following table outlines the required servicer actions to report a Fannie Mae Mortgage Release to Fannie Mae.

StepServicer Action

Once the servicer has received all required documentation, including the final interior property inspection report, if applicable, it must report its final acceptance of the Mortgage Release to Fannie Mae through Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system.

Note: Regardless of the transition option, the servicer must submit the case to Fannie Mae through Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system to report its final acceptance of the Mortgage Release.


Submit the REOgram, including any applicable lien release documents and contact information for the HOA, to Fannie Mae’s SF CPM division (see F-4-03, List of Contacts) within 24 hours of the date the servicer completes its final acceptance of the executed Mortgage Release. The servicer must report the Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system closing date as the foreclosure sale date on the REOgram. See Contents of the REOgram in E-4.1-01, Notifying Fannie Mae of an Acquired Property, for the contents of the REOgram.

Note: Also see A1-4.2-01, Compensatory Fees Other Than Delays in the Liquidation Process, for additional information on applicable compensatory fees.

Note: The servicer must submit the case into Fannie Mae’s servicing solutions system, regardless of the transition option chosen, to complete its final acceptance of the Mortgage Release.

Also, the servicer must see the Investor Reporting Manual for detailed requirements on how to report to Fannie Mae’s investor reporting system.