B3-2-09: Erroneous Credit Report Data (01/27/2015)

B3-2-09: Erroneous Credit Report Data (01/27/2015)

© Fannie Mae Single Family Selling Guide

Erroneous Credit Report Data

The lender is responsible for ensuring that credit report data used by DU in its underwriting analysis is accurate. Significant, material credit errors in a borrower’s credit report may have a negative impact on the underwriting recommendation from DU.

When there is documented evidence of material erroneous credit data, the underwriter should work with the credit repository to correct the data and resubmit the loan casefile to DU for underwriting. If there is not enough time to obtain corrected information, or if there are extenuating circumstances that contributed to the derogatory credit, the lender may manually underwrite the mortgage.

If significant material credit errors in the credit report have had a negative impact on the underwriting recommendation from DU resulting in a Refer with Caution recommendation, the lender may consider underwriting the loan manually in accordance with this Selling Guide, provided that the loan product or transaction otherwise allows for delivery of manually underwritten loans.

If the loan complies with Fannie Mae’s standard eligibility and underwriting guidelines, it must be delivered as a manually underwritten loan with SFC 343. Such manually underwritten loans are not eligible for DU’s limited waiver of representations and warranties.

Merged Credit Reports and the Impact on DU’s Evaluation

Errors that are the result of the credit merge do not typically affect the credit or risk analysis of the loan casefile.

DU attempts to identify duplicate tradelines, including public record items, that are the result of the merge, and ignores duplicate accounts in the credit analysis.

Public record information is frequently duplicated on the credit report because the credit agencies do not attempt to merge or match items of this severe nature. A public record item may appear in the credit report three times—once from each repository—but the duplication will not affect the risk analysis of the case.

Lender Action Regarding Derogatory Credit Reported in Error

If it is determined that significant derogatory credit has been reported in error, the lender must obtain written documentation that supports the error. The following types of written documentation support erroneous information:

  • a supplement to the credit report

  • a new mortgage credit report,

  • documentation from the credit provider that reported the error.