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© 2018 CFPB eRegulationsCFPB  Interactive Bureau Regulations

(a) Definitions. For purposes of this section:

(1) “Higher-priced mortgage loan” means a closed-


end consumer credit transaction secured by


the consumer's


principal dwelling


with an annual percentage rate that exceeds


the average prime offer rate


for a comparable transaction as of the date the interest rate is set:

(i) By 1.5 or more percentage points for loans secured by a first lien with a principal obligation


at consummation


that does not exceed the limit in effect as of the date the transaction's interest rate is set for the maximum principal obligation eligible for purchase by Freddie Mac;

(ii) By 2.5 or more percentage points for loans secured by a first lien with a principal obligation


at consummation


that exceeds the limit in effect as of the date the transaction's interest rate is set for the maximum principal obligation eligible for purchase by Freddie Mac; or

(iii) By 3.5 or more percentage points for loans secured by a subordinate lien.




2) “Average prime offer rate” means an annual percentage rate that is derived from average interest rates, points, and other loan pricing terms currently offered


to consumers


by a representative sample


of creditors


for mortgage transactions that have low-risk pricing characteristics.


The Bureau


publishes average


prime offer


rates for a broad range of types of transactions in a table updated at least weekly as well as the methodology


the Bureau


uses to derive these rates.




b)Escrow accounts -


(1)Requirement to escrow for property taxes and insurance. Except as provided in


paragraph (b)(2)


of this section,


a creditor


may not extend


a higher-priced mortgage loan


secured by a first lien on


a consumer's


principal dwelling unless an escrow account is established


before consummation


for payment of property taxes and premiums for mortgage-related insurance required by


the creditor, such as insurance against loss of or damage to property, or against liability arising out of the ownership or use of the property, or insurance protecting


the creditor


against the consumer's default or


other credit


loss. For purposes of this


paragraph (b), the term “escrow account” has the same meaning as under Regulation X ( 12 CFR 1024.17(b)), as amended.




2)Exemptions. Notwithstanding


paragraph (b)(1)


of this section:

(i) An escrow account need not be established for:

(A) A transaction secured by shares in a cooperative;

(B) A transaction to finance the initial construction of


a dwelling;

(C) A temporary or “bridge” loan with a loan term of twelve months or less, such as a loan to purchase a


new dwelling


where the consumer


plans to sell a


current dwelling


within twelve months; or


(D) A reverse mortgage transaction


subject to


§ 1026.33.



(ii) Insurance premiums described in


paragraph (b)(1)


of this section need not be included in escrow accounts for loans secured


by dwellings


in condominiums, planned unit developments, or other common interest communities in


which dwelling


ownership requires participation in a governing association, where the governing association has an obligation to


the dwelling


owners to maintain a master policy insuring


all dwellings.




iii) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(2)(v)


of this section, an escrow account need not be established for a transaction if, at the time


of consummation:

(A) During the preceding calendar year, or, if the application for the transaction was received before April 1 of the current calendar year, during either of the two preceding calendar years,


the creditor extended


a covered transaction, as defined by


§ 1026.43(b)(1), secured by a first lien on a property that is located in an area that is either “rural” or “underserved,” as set forth in paragraph (b)(2)(iv) of this section;

(B) During the preceding calendar year, or, if the application for the transaction was received before April 1 of the current calendar year, during either of the two preceding calendar years,


the creditor


and its affiliates


together extended no more than 2,


000 covered transactions, as defined by


§ 1026.43(b)(1), secured by first liens, that were sold, assigned, or otherwise transferred to


another person, or that were subject at the time


of consummation


to a commitment to be acquired by


another person;

(C) As of the preceding December 31st, or, if the application for the transaction was received before April 1 of the current calendar year, as of either of the two preceding December 31sts,


the creditor


and its affiliates


that regularly


extended covered transactions, as defined by


§ 1026.43(b)(1), secured by first liens, together, had total assets of less than $2,000,000,000; this asset threshold shall adjust


automatically each year, based on the year-to-year change in the average of the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, not seasonally adjusted, for each 12-month period ending in November, with rounding to the nearest million dollars (see


comment 35(b)(2)(iii)-1.iii


for the applicable threshold); and

(D) Neither


the creditor


nor its affiliate


maintains an escrow account of the type described in


paragraph (b)(1)


of this section for any extension


of consumer credit


secured by real property or


a dwelling


that the creditor or its affiliate currently services, other than:

(1) Escrow accounts established for first-


lien higher-priced mortgage loans


for which applications were received on or after April 1, 2010, and before May 1, 2016; or








Escrow accounts established


after consummation


as an accommodation to


distressed consumers


to assist


such consumers in avoiding default or foreclosure.


(iv) For purposes of paragraph (b)(2)(iii)(




A) of this section:

(A) An area is “rural” during a calendar year if it is:

(1) A county that is neither in a metropolitan statistical area nor in a micropolitan statistical area that is adjacent to a metropolitan statistical area, as those terms are defined by the U.S. Office of Management and Budget and as they are applied under currently applicable Urban Influence Codes (UICs), established by the United States Department of Agriculture's Economic Research Service (USDA-ERS);

(2) A census block that is not in an urban area, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau using the latest decennial census of the United States; or

(3) A county or a census block that has been designated as rural by


the Bureau


pursuant to the application process established under section 89002 of the Helping Expand Lending Practices in Rural Communities Act, Public Law 114-94, title LXXXIX (2015). The provisions of this paragraph (b)(2)(iv)(A)(3) shall cease to have any force or effect on December 4, 2017.

(B) An area is “underserved” during a calendar year if, according to Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) data for the preceding calendar year, it is a county in which no more than


two creditors


extended covered transactions, as defined in


§ 1026.43(b)(1), secured by first liens on properties in the county five or more times.

(C) A property shall be deemed to be in an area that is rural or underserved in a particular calendar year if the property is:

(1) Located in a county that appears on the lists published by


the Bureau


of counties that are rural or underserved, as defined by


§ 1026.35(b)(2)(iv)(A)(1)


or § 1026.35(b)(2)(iv)(B), for that calendar year,

(2) Designated as rural or underserved for that calendar year by any automated tool that


the Bureau


provides on its public Web site, or

(3) Not designated as located in an urban area, as defined by the most recent delineation of urban areas announced by the


Census Bureau, by any automated address search tool that the U.S.


Census Bureau provides on its public Web site for that purpose and that specifically indicates the urban or rural designations of properties.



(v) Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(2)(iii)


of this section, an escrow account must be established pursuant to


paragraph (b)(1)


of this section for any first-


lien higher-priced mortgage loan




at consummation, is subject to a commitment to be acquired by


a person


that does not satisfy the conditions in


paragraph (b)(2)(iii)


of this section, unless otherwise exempted by this


paragraph (b)(2).




3)Cancellation -





i)General. Except as provided in


paragraph (b)(3)(ii)


of this section,


a creditor


or servicer may cancel an escrow account required in


paragraph (b)(1)


of this section only upon the earlier of:

(A) Termination of the underlying debt obligation; or

(B) Receipt no earlier than five years


after consummation


of a consumer's request to cancel the escrow account.

(ii)Delayed cancellation. Notwithstanding


paragraph (b)(3)(i)


of this section,


a creditor


or servicer shall not cancel an escrow account pursuant to


a consumer's request described in


paragraph (b)(3)(i)(B)


of this section unless the following conditions are satisfied:

(A) The unpaid principal balance is less than 80 percent of the original value of the property securing the underlying debt obligation; and


(B) The consumer currently is not delinquent or in default on the underlying debt obligation.




c)Appraisals -







1)Definitions. For purposes of this section:

(i)Certified or licensed


appraiser means a person who is certified or licensed by


the State agency


in the State


in which the property that secures the transaction is located, and who performs the appraisal in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and the requirements applicable to appraisers in title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, as amended ( 12 U.S.C.


3331et seq.), and any implementing regulations in effect at the time the appraiser signs the appraiser's certification.




ii)Credit risk means the financial risk that


a consumer


will default on a loan.



home has the same meaning as in 24 CFR 3280.2.



invoice means a document issued by a manufacturer and provided with


a manufactured home


to a retail dealer that separately details the wholesale (base) prices at the factory for specific models or series


of manufactured homes


and itemized options (large appliances, built-in items and equipment), plus actual itemized charges for freight from the factory to the


dealer's lot or the homesite (including any rental of wheels and axles) and for any sales taxes to be paid by the dealer. The invoice may recite such prices and charges on an itemized basis or by stating an aggregate price or charge, as appropriate, for each category.



Registry means the database of information


about State certified and licensed appraisers maintained by the Appraisal Subcommittee of the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council.

(vi)New manufactured


home means a manufactured home


that has not been previously occupied.



agency means a “State appraiser certifying and licensing agency” recognized in accordance with section 1118(b) of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989 ( 12 U.S.C. 3347(b)) and any implementing regulations.


(2)Exemptions. Unless otherwise specified, the requirements in


paragraph (c)(3)


through (6) of this section do not apply to the following types of transactions:

(i) A loan that satisfies the criteria of a qualified mortgage as defined pursuant to 15 U.S.C. 1639c;




ii) An extension


of credit


for which the amount


of credit


extended is equal to or less than the applicable threshold amount, which is adjusted every year to reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, as applicable, and published in the official staff commentary to this


paragraph (c)(2)(ii);




iii) A transaction secured by a mobile home, boat, or trailer.



(iv) A transaction to finance the initial construction of


a dwelling.



(v) A loan with a maturity of 12 months or less, if the purpose of the loan is a “bridge” loan connected with the acquisition of


a dwelling


intended to become


the consumer's


principal dwelling.

(vi) A reverse-mortgage transaction subject


to 12 CFR 1026.33(a).

(vii) An extension


of credit


that is a refinancing secured by a first lien, with refinancing defined as in


§ 1026.20(a)


(except that


the creditor


need not be the


original creditor


or a holder or servicer of the original obligation), provided that the refinancing meets the following criteria:



(A) Either -

(1) The credit risk of the refinancing is retained by


the person


that held


the credit


risk of the existing obligation and there is no commitment,


at consummation, to transfer


the credit


risk to


another person; or

(2) The refinancing is insured or guaranteed by the same Federal government agency that insured or guaranteed the existing obligation;

(B) The regular periodic payments under the refinance loan do


not -

(1) Cause the principal balance to increase;

(2) Allow


the consumer


to defer repayment of principal; or

(3) Result in a balloon payment, as defined in


§ 1026.18(s)(5)(i); and

(C) The proceeds from the refinancing are used solely to satisfy the existing obligation and amounts attributed solely to the costs of the refinancing; and




A transaction secured by:


viii) A transaction secured by:

(A) A new manufactured home


and land, but the exemption shall only apply to the requirement in


paragraph (c)(3)(i)


of this section that the appraiser conduct a physical visit of the interior of


the new manufactured home; or




B) A manufactured home and not land, for which


the creditor


obtains one of the following and provides a copy to


the consumer


no later than


three business days


prior to consummation


of the


transaction -

(1) For


a new manufactured home, the


manufacturer's invoice for


the manufactured home


securing the transaction, provided that the date of manufacture is no earlier than 18 months prior to


the creditor


's receipt of


the consumer


's application


for credit;

(2) A cost estimate of the value of


the manufactured home


securing the transaction obtained from an independent cost service provider; or




3) A valuation, as defined in


§ 1026.42(b)(3), of


the manufactured home


performed by


a person


who has no direct or indirect interest, financial or otherwise, in the property or transaction for which


the valuation


is performed and has training in


valuing manufactured homes.




3)Appraisals required -







i)In general. Except as provided in


paragraph (c)(2)


of this section,


a creditor


shall not extend


a higher-priced mortgage loan


to a consumer


without obtaining, prior


to consummation, a written appraisal of the property to be mortgaged. The appraisal must be performed by


a certified or licensed appraiser


who conducts a physical visit of the interior of the property that will secure the transaction.



(ii)Safe harbor.


A creditor


obtains a written appraisal that meets the requirements for an appraisal required under


paragraph (c)(3)(i)


of this section if


the creditor:


(A) Orders that the appraiser perform the appraisal in conformity with the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, as amended ( 12 U.S.C.


3331et seq.), and any implementing regulations in effect at the time the appraiser signs the appraiser's certification;

(B) Verifies through


the National Registry


that the appraiser who signed the appraiser's certification was


a certified or licensed appraiser


in the State


in which the appraised property is located as of the date the appraiser signed the appraiser's certification;

(C) Confirms that the elements set forth in


appendix N


to this part are addressed in the written appraisal; and



(D) Has no actual knowledge contrary to the facts or certifications contained in the written appraisal.






4)Additional appraisal for certain higher-priced mortgage loans -

(i)In general. Except as provided in paragraphs (c)(2) and (c)(4)(vii)


of this section,


a creditor


shall not extend


a higher-priced mortgage loan


to a consumer


to finance the acquisition of


the consumer's


principal dwelling


without obtaining, prior


to consummation, two written appraisals, if:

(A) The seller acquired the property 90 or fewer days prior to the date of


the consumer'


s agreement


to acquire the property and the price in


the consumer'


s agreement


to acquire the property exceeds the seller's acquisition price by more than 10 percent; or

(B) The seller acquired the property 91 to 180 days prior to the date of


the consumer'


s agreement


to acquire the property and the price in


the consumer'


s agreement


to acquire the property exceeds the seller's acquisition price by more than 20 percent.




ii)Different certified or licensed appraisers. The two appraisals required under


paragraph (c)(4)(i)


of this section may not be performed by the


same certified or licensed appraiser.



(iii)Relationship to general appraisal requirements. If two appraisals must be obtained under


paragraph (c)(4)(i)


of this section, each appraisal shall meet the requirements of


paragraph (c)(3)(i) of this section.



(iv)Required analysis in the additional appraisal. One of the two required appraisals must include an analysis of:

(A) The difference between the price at which the seller acquired the property and the price that


the consumer


is obligated to pay to acquire the property, as specified in


the consumer'


s agreement


to acquire the property from the seller;

(B) Changes in market conditions between the date the seller acquired the property and the date of


the consumer'


s agreement


to acquire the property; and

(C) Any improvements made to the property between the date the seller acquired the property and the date of


the consumer'


s agreement


to acquire the property.



(v)No charge for the additional appraisal. If


the creditor


must obtain two appraisals under


paragraph (c)(4)(i)


of this section,


the creditor


may charge


the consumer


for only one of the appraisals.




vi)Creditor's determination of prior sale date and price -

(A)Reasonable diligence.


A creditor


must obtain two written appraisals under


paragraph (c)(4)(i)


of this section unless


the creditor


can demonstrate by exercising reasonable diligence that the requirement to obtain two appraisals does not apply.


A creditor




with reasonable diligence if


the creditor bases its determination on information contained in written source documents, such as the documents listed in


appendix O


to this part.



(B)Inability to determine prior sale date or


price - modified requirements for additional appraisal. If, after exercising reasonable diligence,


a creditor


cannot determine whether the conditions in


paragraphs (c)(4)(i)(A)


and (c)(4)(i)(B)


are present and therefore must obtain two written appraisals in accordance with


paragraphs (c)(4)(i)


through (v) of this section, one of the two appraisals shall include an analysis of the factors in


paragraph (c)(4)(iv)


of this section only to the extent that the information necessary for the appraiser to perform the analysis can be determined.




vii)Exemptions from the additional appraisal requirement. The additional appraisal required under


paragraph (c)(4)(i)


of this section shall not apply to extensions


of credit


that finance


a consumer's acquisition of property:

(A) From a local,




or Federal government agency;

(B) From


a person


who acquired title to the property through foreclosure, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, or other similar judicial or non-judicial procedure as a result of


the person's exercise of rights as the holder of a defaulted mortgage loan;

(C) From a non-profit entity as part of a local,


State, or Federal government program under which the non-profit entity is permitted to acquire title to single-family properties for resale from a seller who acquired title to the property through the process of foreclosure, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, or other similar judicial or non-judicial procedure;




D) From a person who acquired title to the property by inheritance or pursuant to a court order of dissolution of marriage, civil union, or domestic partnership, or of partition of joint or marital assets to which the seller was a party;

(E) From an employer or relocation agency in connection with the relocation of an employee;

(F) From a servicemember, as defined in 50 U.S.C. App. 511(1), who received a deployment or permanent change of station order after the servicemember purchased the property;

(G) Located in an area designated by the President as a federal disaster area, if and for as long as the Federal financial institutions regulatory agencies, as defined in 12 U.S.C. 3350(6), waive the requirements in title XI of the Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery, and Enforcement Act of 1989, as amended ( 12 U.S.C.


3331et seq.), and any implementing regulations in that area; or

(H) Located in a rural county, as defined


in 12 CFR 1026.35(b)(2)(iv)(A).







5)Required disclosure -

(i)In general. Except as provided in


paragraph (c)(2)


of this section,


a creditor


shall disclose the following statement, in writing, to


a consumer


who applies for


a higher-priced mortgage loan: “We may order an appraisal to determine the property's value and charge you for this appraisal. We will give you a copy of any appraisal, even if your loan does not close. You can pay for an additional appraisal for your own use at your own cost.” Compliance with the disclosure requirement in Regulation B, 12 CFR 1002.14(a)(2), satisfies the requirements of this paragraph.



(ii)Timing of disclosure. The disclosure required by


paragraph (c)(5)(i)


of this section shall be delivered or placed in the mail no later than the


third business day


after the creditor receives the consumer's application for


a higher-priced mortgage loan


subject to


paragraph (c)


of this section. In the case of a loan that is not


a higher-priced mortgage loan


subject to


paragraph (c)


of this section at the time of application, but becomes


a higher-priced mortgage loan


subject to


paragraph (c)


of this section after application, the disclosure shall be delivered or placed in the mail not later than the


third business day


after the creditor


determines that the loan is


a higher-priced mortgage loan


subject to


paragraph (c)


of this section.


(6)Copy of appraisals -

(i)In general. Except as provided in


paragraph (c)(2)


of this section,


a creditor


shall provide to


the consumer


a copy of any written appraisal performed in connection with


a higher-priced mortgage loan


pursuant to


paragraphs (c)(3)


and (c)(4)


of this section.






A creditor


shall provide to


the consumer


a copy of each written appraisal pursuant to


paragraph (c)(6)(i)


of this section:

(A) No later than


three business days


prior to consummation


of the loan; or

(B) In the case of a loan that is not consummated, no later than 30 days after


the creditor


determines that the loan will not be consummated.



(iii)Form of copy. Any copy of a written appraisal required by


paragraph (c)(6)(i)


of this section may be provided to the applicant in electronic form, subject to compliance with


the consumer


consent and other applicable provisions of the Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (E-Sign Act) ( 15 U.S.C.


7001et seq.).

(iv)No charge for copy of appraisal.


A creditor


shall not charge


the consumer


for a copy of a written appraisal required to be provided to


the consumer


pursuant to


paragraph (c)(6)(i) of this section.




7)Relation to other rules. The rules in this


paragraph (c)


were adopted jointly by the Federal Reserve Board (Board), the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the


National Credit


Union Administration, the Federal Housing Finance Agency, and


the Bureau. These rules are substantively identical to the Board's and the OCC'


s higher-priced mortgage loan


appraisal rules published separately in 12 CFR 226.43 (for the Board) and in 12 CFR part 34, subpart G and 12 CFR part 164, subpart B (for the OCC).

(d)Evasion; open-end credit. In connection


with credit


secured by


a consumer's


principal dwelling


that does not meet the definition


of open-end credit


in § 1026.2(a)(20),


a creditor


shall not structure a home-secured loan as an open-end plan to evade the requirements of this section


Repayment ability, prepayment penalties.Except as provided in paragraph (e)(3) of this section, higher-priced mortgage loans are subject to the following restrictions:


REPAYMENT ABILITY.A creditor shall not extend credit based on the value of the consumer's collateral without regard to the consumer's repayment ability as of consummation as provided in § 1026.34(a)(4).


PREPAYMENT PENALTIES.A loan may not include a penalty described by § 1026.32(d)(6) unless:

  1. The penalty is otherwise permitted by law, including § 1026.32(d)(7) if the loan is a mortgage transaction described in § 1026.32(a); and

  2. Under the terms of the loan:

    1. The penalty will not apply after the two-year period following consummation;

    2. The penalty will not apply if the source of the prepayment funds is a refinancing by the creditor or an affiliate of the creditor; and

    3. The amount of the periodic payment of principal or interest or both may not change during the four-year period following consummation.




EXCLUSIONS.This paragraph (e) does not apply to a transaction to finance the initial construction of a dwelling; a temporary or “bridge” loan with a term of twelve months or less, such as a loan to purchase a new dwelling where the consumer plans to sell a current dwelling within twelve months; or a reverse mortgage transaction subject to § 1026.33.

