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Waiving Escrow Account Requirements

The following table outlines requirements servicer must not solicit a borrower with an offer to waive the escrow account requirements but is authorized to evaluate a borrower’s request to waive an escrow accountsubject to the requirements in the following table.Image Removed

The servicer must



Evaluate whether it is appropriate to waive the escrow account requirement based on the mortgage loan documents and applicable law.

Deny a request to waive escrow requirement for


a mortgage loan if

  • the borrower has received a prior mortgage loan modification, or previously been approved for an escrow waiver and failed to make all payments timely, as required,

  • the borrower has experienced any delinquency in the 12 months immediately preceding the request,

  • the borrower has experienced a 60+-day delinquency in the 24 months immediately preceding the request,

  • the borrower has not met a 24-month aging requirement from either

    • the date of origination, or

    • following the completion of a repayment plan.

  • the principal balance for the mortgage loan is greater than or equal to 80% of the original appraised value.

Maintain the basis for the waiver decision and any disclosures provided to the borrower, if applicable, in the mortgage loan servicing file. The servicer must make this information available to Fannie Mae upon request.

The servicer must not waive the individual escrow requirement for MIPs when the premiums are paid monthly.

Administering an Escrow Account in Connection With a Mortgage Loan Modification

The following table outlines the escrow requirements when a servicer enters a mortgage loan modification.

The servicer must.



Revoke any escrow deposit account waiver and establish an escrow deposit account in accordance with Fannie Mae’s requirements, unless the mortgage loan modification is a Streamlined Modification Post Disaster Forbearance (see D2-3.2-09, Fannie Mae Streamlined Modification Post Disaster Forbearance for additional information) or a Cap and Extend Modification for Disaster Relief (see D2-3.2-10, Fannie Mae Cap and Extend Modification for Disaster Relief for additional information) and the borrower is current on the payments for taxes, special assessments, property and flood insurance premiums, premiums for borrower-purchased MI, ground rents, and similar items.

Analyze an existing escrow account to estimate the periodic escrow deposit required to ensure adequate funds are available to pay future charges, taking into consideration T&I premiums that may come due during any trial period. In the event the initial escrow analysis identifies a shortage, collect such funds from the borrower over a 60-month period unless the borrower decides to pay the shortage up-front. When the servicer calculates the repayment of the escrow shortage over a 60-month period, any subsequent shortage that may be identified in the next annual analysis cycle must be spread out over the remaining term of the initial 60-month period.

Ensure the borrower’s monthly mortgage loan payments, including trial period payments, include an escrow payment. See the applicable mortgage loan modification program in Section D2–3.2, Home Retention Workout Options for additional information.

Manufactured Home Tax Requirements


The servicer must promptly advance the funds to cover an expense when an escrow account has insufficient funds to pay the expense in a timely manner. The servicer must require the borrower to reimburse it for advances because the escrow deposit account did not have sufficient funds to cover an expense or emergency repairs to the property. Any funds the servicer advances must stay in the T&I custodial account until the borrower remits funds sufficient to cure the deficit.
The following table outlines the requirements when the servicer waives the escrow account requirement and the borrower fails to pay the insurance premiums, taxes, or other related charges.Image Removed

The servicer must...

Advance the payment, including any late payment penalties, from its own funds.

Revoke any escrow waiver and establish an escrow account in accordance with Fannie Mae’s requirements to collect funds to repay the advances and pay future bills.

The servicer must follow the procedures in in General Expense Reimbursement Requirements in Requirements in F-1-06, Expense Reimbursement to  to determine how to obtain reimbursement from future paymentsfuture payments, and how to obtain reimbursement from Fannie Mae.

Related Announcements

The following table provides references to Announcements that are related to this topic.


Issue Date

Announcement SVC-2017–04

May 10, 2017

Additional resources: